Trevor Belmont

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The man was about to yell at her, but something out of the corner caught his eyes. A badge on the shirt of the man next to him. He's seen it before. "Hey, you. You're a Belmont?!" The atmosphere shifted to something dangerous. Alison's eyes widened as she looked at the guy who was fishing desperately for money to pay for another beer.

    "This is just an old shirt." The man glanced at him with a slight drunk look before finding the money. He smiled and held it out to the man behind the counter. "Now please the beer. I feel like I'm sobering up." He joked.

    The man had brown hair, a black coat that hung over his shoulders with a patch of white fur around the top. The coat dropped down to his calf's, and he was tall. He had a stubbly chin and a vertical scar on his left eye. Could he have been a Belmont? He doesn't exactly look like the "hero" type.

    The three guys started to circle around him while he stood up and held up his hands. "Listen, you're threatening a man with a whip and sword.." He stated incredulously. He was kicked in the testicles. He groaned and knelt down in discomfort.

    Alison circled her jaw in thought. If she went right now, she would be able to get out with a free meal. But something told her to stay and to help him. She hated scenarios like this. She had to get to the next town. Don't help him. Don't help him. This is none of your business.

    Alison stepped in just in time to stop a chair from hitting the possible Belmont's head. When she realized what she had done from the man's shocked face under her; she sighed. Before the chair had swung down to hit the man, she grabbed his sword and blocked the chair.

    "WHAT?!" The man who had swung the chair had shouted angrily. Alison sighed frustrated with herself. What had she just told herself? Not. To help him.

    "I hate Mondays.." She grunted and dropped the man's sword next to him. He stared up at her with a confused, yet entertained grin. She got up and rubbed the back of her neck. Well, hood. The three men growled at her as she noticed the man stand back up as well.

    "You sure you want to enter this fight, boy?! HA! You're entering a world of pain.." One of the attackers told her. She yawned. Anyone with a brain could see that she was a girl, but they weren't the smartest bunch, so she would cut them as much slack as she could.

    "Apparently so since I'm going to deal with you special three. I could have been gone by now." Her frown deepened in annoyance. At the end of the fight, she was calmly walking in the direction of the next town. With unwanted company.

    "We're going to the same place anyway, let's walk together." The tall man said. She ignored him and continued to walk. He was definitely persistent. He had never seen a girl wield a sword as well as she did. A Belmont one at that. She was skilled, that's for sure.

    "Will telling you my name help ease the tension? I'm Trevor." He said to her. This struck a thought in her. The others were saying how he was a Belmont. She wanted to know if it was true. She circled her jaw and stole a glance at the man's shirt.

    "Trevor who,"  Alison said. Trevor looked at her with narrowed eyebrows. She wasn't asking, she was demanding. This girl was definitely a new one. He cleared his throat before looking ahead of him.

    "Trevor Belmont." He stated. Alison's eyes widened. So it was true. He was a Belmont. "You stuck up for the Belmont's, most people tend to hate them. Why did you stick up for us." He asked. He was greeted with silence as a response. Yet, he waited patiently.

    When Alison noticed he wasn't going to let her not respond, she sighed before replying, "I have my reasons." This girl was really starting to get on his nerves.

     "How did you learn how to handle a sword like that." Trevor cut to the chase. He was tired of her dodging his questions.

      "Lots of people know how to use a sword," Alison stated a matter of factory. Trevor glared and stopped walking.

      "That's not what I meant. What you did back there was no ordinary defense move. It was similar to the one I was taught. By my family."

       At this statement, she stopped a few feet away from him. What was he even going on about? Whatever, she thought. We're here anyway.

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