Speakers against Priests pt.2

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"The violence was not necessary, but thank you. Thank you for your kindness, and I think your restraint." The speaker lets out a chuckle. Trevor glanced him over and nodded.

"Your welcome," Trevor paused before continuing, "Elder." He held out his hand, "Can I accompany you to your train?" He offered, not trusting to leave the old man alone. The old man shook his head.

"We're settled here in Gresit with no caravans. I would like your company to our lodging if you wouldn't mind." The old man held out his hand to show the way. Trevor followed him without another word until they soon arrived at what looked like a worn downtown.

"This is where we reside. Please, feel free to come inside. Meet my people." They went inside the biggest building. Trevor was waiting to see the hooded girl, who he still had to get a name from, but didn't see her.

"Elder, you're alright! I told you it was too soon to go outdoors alone-" A male stood up, emphasizing his worry, but was cut off. Trevor cleared his throat and glared. Had the girl stood him up? To think he thought she was different.

"Where's the hooded girl." Everyone's attention was now on him. When no one said anything he felt impatient. The old man spoke in a calm voice.

"Could you perhaps. Be talking about Alison?" Elder questioned. Trevor narrowed his eyes and let out an interested chuckle. Alison, huh. The man Trevor had so rudely cut off, glared at him. Trevor simply stared at him before averting his eyes bored. He scratched the side of his scruffy slight beard and looked at his fingers.

"She went to wake the sleeping soldier under Gresit, into the catacombs under the mausoleum, west of the church." Trevor sighed. He thought the whole thing was a waste of time.

"So you really think there's someone that'll save the city asleep under it?" The speakers stayed silent before the man glared at him again.

"That's the most we can do. You act like this is a waste of time. Do you have no compassion?" He asked in disbelief. Trevor turned his back.

"The church wanted this, and that's what they got. And you." Trevor glanced over every speaker in the room. "I demand you leave now. Head south and hook up with another train." The speakers disagreed with him, saying that they would not leave because they had hope. "So you're staying to die with the little good people of Gresit because it's the good thing to do." Trevor glanced upwards at the ignorance.

Trevor made his way to the front door before stopping. "They're going to come for you." He warned as he turned his head slightly, "The good people. It's gonna be a pogrom. They talked about it in the marketplace." He sighed. "Say we do manage to get to the sleeping soldier. Will you please. Leave before nightfall." He gritted his teeth.

The Elder looked down. "If that is the condition, then yes." Trevor cracked his knuckles before stealing an apple someone was about to eat.

"Then I'm leaving now. Don't go looking for people to give support, stay here." He threatened before eating the apple.

"Belmont." The Elder caught him before he could leave. "We aren't afraid of dying. We want to be able to do our best in life." Trevor glared at the outside, taking a moment to let the Elders words sink in.

"I don't care." He walked out. This whole thing is just a waste of time anyways.

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