Speakers against Priests

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They had finally arrived at their destination.

    "What did you come here for?" Trevor asked as he started to follow her in town. She stopped in her tracks and looked at him annoyed, although he wasn't able to see that.

    "You have your own reasons for coming here, don't you? Well so do I. Pleasant meeting you, Trevor. Goodbye." She said before starting to walk again. His eyes widened in shock before catching up to her.

    "You know, you have been acting more than rude. I thought you like Belmont's." He growled out frustrated. She turned her head towards him and went to say something snarky, but she couldn't find anything to respond with.

    "You're not going to leave, are you," Alison muttered to him. He shook his head. After all, she was unusual. She had wielded his sword that only most Belmont's could. What was this girl's deal? Alison saw him shake his head and sighed. "Fine, do as you please."

    "Alright, why are you here." He questioned. She wasted no time in answering.

    "To see the speakers. I'm an old friend of theirs. They wanted to find some. The sleeping person, I guess?" She stated. Trevor looked at her in thought. While she was dealing with them, he could go get some much-needed food. Here we go..

    Alison parted ways with him, hoping he'd get lost while Trevor climbed a wall to get a good view of the town. There was blood here and there. This whole town was a wreck. In a far end corner, he could see Alison's figure walking away. When she was completely out of his sight he jumped down and started looking for something to eat.

    He went up to a stand to get a piece of meat for possibly a coin. When speaking with the woman, he noticed something. The people really didn't like the speakers. They thought that they were the reasons why the town was stuck with demons. They really believe that if the speakers were killed off, monsters will stop killing them? He glared at the foolish thought before giving the woman a coin for the meat, information as well, and walked away to ask around more.

    Interesting enough he had heard from a great deal something about a "Sleeping soldier". This is the thing that the girl is searching for? A sleeping hero, huh. Trevor continued on his way, only stopping when he noticed two men in black robes push an old man behind a corner. Priests.. He stared blankly at them. He really doesn't like priests. It looked like the old man was being threatened.

    He sighed as he looked up at the sky. "Keep walking.." He looked towards the scene before sighing again. He eavesdropped and found out that the old man was a speaker. He was about to be killed with a cross. Trevor pulled out his whip and whacked the cross from one of the two men in robes, accidentally cutting off their index finger. The man breathed heavily in shock and pain.

    "Oh hell, I'm sorry. I was trying to knock the stave out of your hand," Trevor held up his index finger and pointed to it, "How's your finger?" The man who had just lost his finger glared at him.

    "WHAT FINGER?" He yelled at him.

    "Why don't you go and get that looked at?" Trevor said without sympathy. The man ordered his accompanist to kill him. "Look, I don't like priests at the best of times. I mean, I really, REALLY don't like priests. If you leave now, we'll say no more about it." He glared, smirking when the man held his order. "Last warning, this will get nasty." He teased.

    The priest ran at him with a blade. Trevor made light of the situation. He had no problem with violence. He narrowed his eyes when he noticed the blade the priest was holding looked similar to the one he saw the girl carrying. A thief's knife. "Now that's a funny thing for a priest to be holding," Trevor muttered.

    In the end of the fight, the priest's eye was whipped from its socket. The man screamed in agony. Trevor walked to the other priest that was threatening the old man and glared down at him. "Don't bother this man or his people again." The two priests ran away.

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