Chapter Twenty Two

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Hello my little sunshines! I know its been two weeks, and I'm sorry I haven't updated, I've been writing alot and University has started back up here in New Zealand so my next semester is starting :/ This chapter is unedited, therefore creative critism is welcome in the comments. Make sure to Comment, Vote and share with your friends and I will see you next time. Enjoy my lovelies <3



Is anyone else OBSESSED with Riverdale? Like, seriously I read an article about season two and I freaked out. *fangirlsoverjughead* It's gunna be EPIC. Anyways, enjoy the update my loves!



"You look right at home, don't you little lady." Jackson's voice made me stumble slightly during a turn, falling, I winced slightly as my ankle twisted before righting my balance and sinking back down onto my feet from my tip toes.

"This is a closed practice." I spoke, my chest heaving, my skin shining with sweat from the extremities of dancing.

"Oh, sorry, didn't realise I was interrupting something so.... sacred."

"Well, if the sign on the door wasn't a dead ringer, then I don't know what is." I leaned down, switching off the music, flexing my ankles, testing it out as I grimaced from the delicate throb which lingered from the fall.

Making my way towards the man leaning against the door, I shuffle behind him and open the door to the junior dance area. Emilia looked up from Caius helping her into her tutu. She smiled before running towards me.

I reach down and offer her my hand. Her chubby hand clutches mine and I lean down to turn on some music before lifting her up and swinging her in my arms.

"Ready to be a ballerina, Emmie?"


        CHAPTER 22

Chapter Song: Poison and Wine- The Civil Wars

Clara's POV.

"Come on, pumpkin, it's my turn to dance with you now." Caius voice makes me spin around. Since my dance party with Emilia, and Jackson making a trip to the local bakery for some lunch, I had gotten changed into a black leotard and a silk black skirt with some heels.

"Oh, yeah? How I can be so sure you know what you're doing?" I tease.

"Sweet pea, those dance moves in the coffee shop was only a teaser."

I nudge my shoulder, my strap falling off, the skin of collarbone exposed and I turned and sashayed my way towards the music, turning it on. The Civil Wars rang out throughout the dance studio.

I lifted the strap and turned to see Caius' eyes following my hand along my shoulder.

"Come on then hot shot, time to show me your moves." I gesture him closer with my finger.

Stepping away from the door frame, he unfolded his arms and moved towards me, pulling me into his arms.

"Is this right?" He asks regarding his stance.

I look at his posture and tap his chest lightly. "Shoulders back, chest up."

I lift my chest and straighten my shoulders back, he looks down and makes a guttural moan of approval. "Much better" he murmured quietly in approval.

I smack him lightly on the chest and tilt his chin up, his eye's meeting mine. The emerald colour of his orbs seemed a darker shade, the look in them playful. "First rule of dancing, Caius, lead with your eyes, not your feet. You know what that means?"

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