Chapter 27

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"Why? Why am I always like this lately?"

"I'm really sorry for whatever I did Jemza. I guess I got too excited, but really I was just trying to do what you asked of me." Jayce stared at the ground as the two walked through the streets of Urbus.


"Stop. Why am I saying these things?"

"You should be sorry."

"I need to shut my mouth."

"It's because I touched you isn't it? I was out of line. I swear it won't happen again." The shame in his voice was more than she had heard before. No, not shame...heartbreak. To make things worse, rain had begun to pour down soaking them both. It seemed fitting for the current mood.


"Maybe it's better like this. Keeping a bit of distance would be best for now. If he knew...everything would fall apart. I'll just apologize later and things will be back to normal. It's just...why does it hurt?"

"So, would you prefer not to do the Thieves Guild quest line? We can always just stay in town for awhile until you feel more comfortable leaving. Would give me some time to try and learn something about that player who confronted us the other day. We can do whatever you want to do." His heart really was set on doing those quests. The dejection was obvious, but he was trying to put on a stronger front for her sake. Like usual he was sacrificing his desires to make her happy.

"I don't really care what you do."

"I didn't mean to say that. At this rate I might push too hard and push him away. That's not what I want. This mouth...please stop talking or else I'll end up..."

"Should I leave?"

"Alone." Jemza kept facing forward fighting the urge to turn towards him. His question tore at her heart, but her mind continued to battle against what her heart felt.

"If...if that's what you want then fine." Of course it was impossible, but nonetheless she felt like she could hear the last piece of his resolve shatter. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his hands shaking. He was scared.

"This is what's best right? We were getting too close. Even though he opened up to me and I thought I could do the same it's not that simple. He's suffered enough; I would only cause him more pain. This wasn't supposed to happen. I just didn't want to be alone anymore."

"Alright." It was barely a whisper, but she heard him and he stopped walking beside her looking around slowly. After looking down one of the side streets he stared at the back of Jemza's head who now stood still in the middle of the street. He hesitated for a moment, but then turned and began walking away.

"Don't leave me! Why can't I say it? No one would care if I died today. There's no one waiting for me. I don't deserve someone like him. I'm too broken and he shouldn't have to deal with a girl like me. A girl too selfish for her own good."

"I would care." Jemza reached up gripping her breastplate over her heart remembering the words he said to her. Her breath became more ragged with each passing moment.

"That man knows the pain of losing someone he loves more than many others. Perhaps more than anyone else in this game, so here's something on the house because we're good friends. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen again." Argo had told her that which began this whole thing. Since then she always felt at war with herself, snapping at him more frequently for things that seemed so frivolous. Never once did he treat her badly and he took her abuse without complaint.

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