The thing

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Triton pov

He was short.

Maybe 5'3 if even that. And this kid was like what 15?

He was skinny too. Like a rat. And everyone knows you shouldn't keep rats around.

This bastard, Percy, seriously what kind of name was that? And Poseidon had waited in the pool house till all of their surprise guest had left.

But Triton knew about the party, everyone did except Poseidon. And yeah, they did that on purpose.

Triton was so angry. His father had cheated on his mother not long after he was born (being on a break doesn't count when you have a kid right?) and now they had to live with the fucking reminder every time they sat down for a meal.

And Every time he walked passed his room.

And every fucking time his father tried to make Percy feel more "welcome" to the family.

In other words it was hell.

Percy had been staying with the family for a week now. A week too fucking long.

And the worse part was triton felt like he was the only one even slightly angry (other than his mother) about the situation. When he called his other siblings to talk about the thing that now free loads in his house they admitted to being angry with there father, sure, but they had the fucking self-righteous vigor to tell Triton he was being "childish". And they've never even met the kid.

And they didn't have to live with the thing.

It was easier to think of Percy as a thing.

Tyson just loved Percy. Of course he dose. But Tyson also loved a three legged blind dog he wanted to take home. And now, Triton supposed, Percy was Tysons knew pet.

Not that Percy was a good pet. He'd stay locked up in the guest room that is now Percy's room all day until someone (Poseidon) called him down for dinner, or someone (Tyson) wanted to play with him.

But even then sometimes he wouldn't come out. He say he wasn't hungry or wasn't feeling well or make up some excuse about homework (Percy had started going to his school 3 days ago)

He was such a....

You know what, Triton couldn't even describe Percy. To Triton Percy was just the thing that lived down the hall.


Percy POV

Percy knew everyone hated him.

He'd see it in the way Triton and his "step mother" (as she made him call her) looked at him.

He saw it in Poseidon's side long glances towards him.

He saw it in the way sweat little Tyson looked at him when Percy didn't feel like playing with him, because Percy was tired.

He was just so tired.

Tired of pretending to be okay.
Tired of holding his tongue around "step mother"
Tired of the demands people were making of him.
And most of all he was tired of the sudden relapse his mind decided to take him on.

Percy had been depressed for years, but after his attempted suicide 18 months ago his mother forced Gabe to make Percy an appointment with a psychiatrist.

They could only afford one visit but that lady was able to prescribe him Prozac for his depression.

Percy latter realized that the psych lady wasn't much of a good doctor. It turns out most people with depression are put on Prozac and it doesn't always work.

But the point was he was on medication.

And sure, sometimes Gabe took the pills away just to see what would happened.

And more then once his mother took the pills meant for him for reasons Percy didn't want to think about.

And Percy could never forget the time Gabe put a full bottle of those green and white pills in front of him and told him to either take all of them or never take them again.

But they made things better.

He started to cut less and didn't want to die as much.

He stoped purposely putting himself into dangerous situations and even started to care weather or not his wounds from Gabe were infected.

Things weren't perfect, but they made them better.

Percy hadn't  had any since he moved in with Poseidon.

He was supposed to take them everyday.

Percy was hopping Hestia would know about the Prozac and would tell Poseidon.

Percy didn't want to ask.

The pills were expensive.And he knew Poseidon could cover it easily but Percy was already freeloading in his house and he didn't feel like giving anyone another reason to hate him.

They would think he was a freak. Someone who needed to take pills to help them not want to die.

How pathetic

And it really was pathetic. The way he kept to himself all day. They way he slit his wrist when he was supposed to be sleeping and then cry like a child missing his mommy.

But Percy didn't realize he was a child crying for his mommy.

Instead Percy focused on all the things wrong with him. Like how he was too much of a coward to cut down the street instead of across the road. Like how it was his fault his mother died. Like all things he'd ever done to piss Gabe off. Like how the kids at his new school looked at him like a freak. Like how he hasn't manage to make one friend in this hell hole. Like how he was ripping Poseidon's family apart. And like how he truly believed he should of never of been born.

An accident.
A mistake 

Poseidon's words not Percy's. Poseidon just didn't know Percy was listening

Okay I know it's a little late but it's here I'm not really sure when the next time I'll update will be but I did finish the outline of this story in my personal notes so it will be easier to update.

But I know you don't really care about all that so just comment when u want an update (but please don't do it right away) and I do it as soon as I can.

As always thx for reading🖤

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