Chapter 10: Letting Loose

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This Isn't Like Me, Chapter 10

Letting Loose

(two weeks later)

The ringing phone beside the clock reading 11:30 wakes me from my sleep. I nudge Saul, "Babe answer the phone." He doesn't budge. He's been sleeping even heavier lately. It freaks me out sometimes. I reach over him and answer.

"Hey Sparrow, its Duff."
"Oh hey!"
"We're partying at Axl's tonight, you guys in?"
"Yeah sure."
"Hell yeah, see ya then. Bye Spare."
"Bye Duffy."

Duff started calling me Spare a while back and it sorta stuck with most of Saul's friends. I'm not much of a partier but I've gotten pretty comfortable around most of Saul's band mates so I don't mind it much with them as long as there's not a whole lotta people.

I shake Saul's arm, "Wake up." I whine. He doesn't budge. "Baaabe." I say loudly, pinching his arm. Nothing. It's starting to freak me out and I realize he looks a little sickly. "Baby wake up!" I exclaim, shaking his shoulders. He's scaring me.

He wakes with a start, looking around nervously. "What the fuck?" He says irritably when he calms, glaring at me. "Well it's not my fault you sleep like a fucking rock and it scares me." I snap. He softens, "I'm sorry babydoll, I know it makes you nervous." He says, giving me his 'forgive me' face. "It's ok." I smile and kiss his cheek before throwing my legs over my side of the bed.

I'm standing up as I feel his arms wrap around my waist. "Uh uh you aren't going anywhere." He says as he pulls me back down onto the bed. I'm now laying with my back on the mattress and he's on me in a second, his hands on either side of my head. He grins devilishly at me, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his lips down to mine. He kisses me with an intense pressure, my lips parting. We flip and I'm on top of him now, sitting on his stomach. His hands fall on my hips and I lean down, kissing him again.

The phone starts to ring and he sighs on my lips. I sit up and lean back on Saul's thighs that are now vertical, my hand resting on his bare stomach. He picks the phone up,


I hear Axl's deep voice on the line.
"I'm a little busy right now." Saul says, grinning at me. I smile back, sometimes when he smiles at me I can just imagine our whole life, growing old together. That smile has had me wrapped around his finger for 3 months. Wow, has it only been 3 months? He's changed me for the better, he's helped me through everything that's happened and never gave up on me. I think that's all I've ever wanted. Someone that won't give up on me.

I snap back into reality, Saul is still on the phone with Axl.

"Fine man, I'll be there in a few."
"Yeah bye, see you soon."

"I gotta go over to Axl's, babydoll. He wants to go over some new songs." He says as he hangs up. "Alright. Oh, by the way, we're partying at his house tonight." I tell him. "K sounds good. I'll be back to get you around 8, if I'm not back before then."

I pass the time reading and watching Family Ties. Before I know it it's 7 so I take a shower. I find myself thinking about life before I moved to the valley as the hot water drenches me.

I always felt as though I was the odd one out in my family. I never got along with my cousins, my aunts and grandma would often stop talking when I entered a room. My parents were the only exception. They always encouraged me, told me there was nothing wrong with me. I remember being thirteen years old and crying to Emma because my cousins had broken my Led Zeppelin record on purpose. When I had told my grandma all she said was, "They did you a favor, that music is bad for you."

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