Chapter 14: Rocket Queen

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This Isn't Like Me, Chapter 14

(2 weeks later)

I walk into the Music Machine, an ill lit, punk club. Places like this would've made me uncomfortable a year ago, but I've become accustom to this rundown rock n roll lifestyle. I've actually come to love it. The music is booming, beating through every board and brick in the building. Although I'm quiet, I've always loved loud music.

I walk up to the bar, the only place I can find an employee. "Do you know where Guns N Roses backstage room is?" I ask the bleach blonde girl behind the bar. "They're in the back room, all the way down that hall. You're a lucky girl." She smirks. I just roll my eyes and walk away.

LA Guns is playing right now, GnR was born from them, or should I say evolved from. The boys definitely got the good end of that. I find their music unoriginal, it has no heart to it. The boys are still sort of friends with the members but I've never been a fan.

I walk down the hall to the room the girl directed me to. Walking into the room, I can feel the energy, it's always intense before a show. Axl is always one setoff away from a rampage, which Izzy will inevitably take part in. Slash and Steven are basically bouncing off the walls. Izzy stays near Axl, an excited light in his eyes as they wait. "Sparrow!" Duff announces as I shut the door behind me.

"Hi baby!" Saul exclaims, beaming. He's pretty much completely back his normal self. I'm so glad I don't have to be worried for his life constantly anymore, and it's pretty damn nice to have him back.

Seeing all of them so happy just puts me in a good mood. Saul walks over and slings his arm over my shoulder, he's a little tanked. He kisses my forehead as I take his bottle of Jack, pouring some of the amber liquid down my throat.

"I'll be waiting for you guys out there, I just wanted to come say hi." I say, kissing the smile painted on Saul's lips. "Oh, by the way Izzy, Em says she'll be here." I say, looking back at him before leaving the room. "Good." He grins.

I make my way into the crowd, people's shoulders brushing my own. They feel like spiders crawling on my skin. I feel my lungs tighten as I move further into the crowd. I take deep breaths and try to ignore it. I'm almost to the front when I feel a pair of arms on my waist, I spin around. "Hey bitch." Emma grins. "Hey!" I laugh. "I thought you were some creep."

We push through the last few feet of people between us and the very front. The boys are already on the stage. The beat of Its So Easy drums through my veins, my body moving to the music. Saul sees me in the crowd and winks in my direction. I raise my eyebrows at him suggestively. A girl next to me screams his name, in my ear, thinking the wink was directed at her. I shift my body in her direction, glaring at her. Emma laughs and tugs on my shoulder. Saul grins, running back over to Duff.

I stare at Saul for most of the show, watching him play is amazing no matter what, but gigs like this are when he seems most alive. The distinctive beat of Rocket Queen starts and Em and I both scream, we love this one. Axl grins at us as yet again all the girls around us hysterical yell. "Axl oh my God!" Emma screams mockingly along with them. Axl laughs and dances his way to the other side of the stage.

He starts the moaning part and I look at Saul, who's in front of us again, and mouth the moans along with Axl. Saul smirks at me, and I raise an eyebrow at him. Em glances between us, "Oh gross, can't you at least wait until the show is over." She says to me. "You do the same thing with Izzy all the damn time." I laugh. She shrugs and nods, conceding.

After the boys run off the stage, Emma and I head backstage. Two leather clad girls sit on Axl's knees, one of them whispering in his ear. He's got a shit eating grin on his face as he listens to her. Oh boy, am I glad I'm not hearing that monologue.

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