Chapter 5

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Hey guys, so I read back over what I had written and heck the spelling and grammar is bad. Also I write this on my phone so yea sorry guys.


I stepped towards what I thought the best option was. I stepped through the door and my body jolted from the impact of my soul entering it. I fluttered my eyes open and cringed at the bright light. I then called for a nurse, desperately wanting a drink. She came and I sipped away to the cup of cool, clear water. I propped myself up on one elbow and scanned the room. I found a window so after persuading the nurse to let me walk around. I stood up and planted myself in front of the window and the nurse went to call my sister which I could not remember at all. My memories were all gone except for the personality of wildness, craziness and adventurous behavior. I was thankful for being able to keep the new me.

A day later, while I was staring out at the bright and colorful world, I heard the door squeak open and a soft voice say, "Hey Rachel, my name is Amy, I am your sister." I turned and smiled at her. I noticed her beauty and said, "I know your my sister all though I can't figure out how I do because I have no memories." She seemed glad I wasn't scared of her. I gave her a hug and said, "I feel comfortable with you. It's nice to have at least a tiny bit of familiarity." I could feel her smile as we hugged before I pulled away and sat down. 

I looked up and said, "I wanna go home, wherever that is." Amy then said, "Let's see what I can do." She winked at me and left me sitting there all alone. I fell back on my bed and heaved a big sigh. I wish I could remember. This sort of felt like de ja vu but how could it be when I had just woken up from a four year coma. I shrugged off my recent thoughts as my sister walked back in with a nurse. The nurse spoke up and said, "Well after some paperwork, it seems that tomorrow you get to go home." I grinned hugely and got all giddy. I really wanted out of this depressing hospital. 

It was finally the day. I was going home yet I could not remember anything about it. I could not wait for the trip home all the way to Whitianga, away from this hospital in Auckland. As my sister came into my room, so did her two kids. As soon as I saw them, I knew them. I gasp and yell in an excited way, "Lucas, Meila, how are you guys?" They seem taken aback and then I remember that my nephew and niece were 4 and they were born after I went into this coma. I realized my mistake but then thought to myself, why the heck do I remember them. It dawned on me, I had met them somewhere. My head then pounded with pain and some memories flashed in my mind. They involved the twins and all the times I shared with them the first time I woke up. 

Wait the first time? Now my mind was confused. I decided to ignore it and just hop into the car with my family. I greeted my brother in law with a smile and a slight nod before curling up next to the car window and stared outside. The trip was only 3 hours and in that time I slept. I had a dream that I was in a cave with stars, glow worms, fireflies and a lake that reflected all the lights. I also dreamed I was with a boy. He had the reddest, ginger hair and was super pale in the moonlight. I found it quite odd that it seemed so real but how could it be. The place I saw was only something you would see in movies and hear in fairy tales so I ignored this weird gut feeling I had. 

I heard the car stop and so forced myself to wake. I noticed that the kids were sprinting towards the house on the right and that the house on the left was burnt down. I found it odd and so I asked why. After being sat at the dining table and having the whole story explained to me that my family and another had been locked inside and burnt to death. I shuddered at the thought. My sister then told me about a guy. He too like my sister happened to not have been there that one night. She showed me pictures but none of them I recognized except, no it couldn't be. It was the boy from my dreams.

Apparently he was my boyfriend and at the time had moved to the UK to pursue his dream of being a song writer and performer. I heard his name was Ed Sheeran. I decided to look up who he was and found him to be quite famous. I also read that he had a concert coming up in Auckland so I went and ordered some tickets that were front row and came with a backstage pass. I only ordered one as I wanted to go alone. I knew that I still had a year but I was looking forward to it. Especially because the concert was a day after my birthday.

It had been about a month before I was comfortable being out on my own and so I decided to go for a walk. I walked along the beach that was across the road. I climbed down the rocks and felt the sand beneath my toes. It was a full moon and it shined on the black water. It felt so magical and I loved the moonlit walk along the beach. As I got near the end, I looked up at the cliff and just followed my instincts. I found a trail and it led to the top of the cliff. As I walked along the top, I looked over at the never-ending ocean. I smiled as it sparkled under the starry sky. I stepped closer as I saw a shooting star. I closed my eyes and let the gentle breeze brush over me as I made a wish that something special will happen to me. 

As I thought this I lost balance and I fell. But I didn't fall to my death like most people but instead completely by luck I fell onto the platform that leads to the entrance of the cave. I look through the entrance but see nothing, not until I see a light. I walk towards it and am amazed at the view. I start to laugh as I realize that what I thought to be unreal and unnatural was in fact all that. I felt as though I was in a fairy tale but where was my Prince?

I then sat down at the end of the pier and dangled my feet in the cool water as I stated at the stars trying to see each constellation. I knew instantly that my wish had in fact come true. As I was just settling down and getting it through my head this was all real. I got another bad headache. I clutched my head as memories of this place and Ed filled them it was just us two spending time together as though it was our last time together forever. That was how we lived our memories but now it was all over. He was some superstar and I was an ordinary girl, there was no way he will remember me.

I ended up staying in the cave which I decided to call Serenity as it was peaceful until I saw the sun rising and the pink sky take over from the blackened blanket of night. I wished that I never had to leave but knew if I didn't get back I would be in trouble. I moved my 18 year old butt up the cliff as fast as I could before sprinting back, getting my room in time before Amy got up. I got at least an hours sleep before two young fellas came running in and pouncing on me. Apparently today was the day I was babysitting them and doing activities with them while their parents had some alone time. I got up and ate a piece of toast before putting on my gumboots and heading up the hill. It was pretty much a trek of Bush before we got to a paddock that had lots of trees, a lake, and a couple of horses with a shed in one corner. Turns out my sister owns this and so we got gear out of the shed and saddled up the horses and the kids although they shared a horse, taught me how to get on and off and how to control the horse. Soon we were off to wander the trails that lined the hillside. After a nice ride we ate lunch near the lake and then had a bombing competition in the lake. We also found well I did by accident a mud pit as I got stuck in it and soon we had mud fights and got completely filthy.

After a hot day of fun, we trekked back down to the farmhouse for supper. This was a day I was definitely going to remember, well until I suddenly shook violently and realized I was in fact having a seizure.


Hey guys, I hope you liked it. I went to do this chapter on my laptop and then it decided to pack a sad and delete everything so I went and rewrote it on my phone. Anyway, I really hope you guys like it.


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Denial // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now