Chapter 9

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Hey guys, so my darling nana passed away the other day hence no updates. Her funeral is still to come and I have had lots of family come over and so to keep my mind off of things I am hanging out with my cuzzies and We have all sat together going through old photos and talking about memories. It's pretty upsetting as I was the closest out of us 17 grand kids to my nana and so it has affected me the worse. I hope you guys understand. Oh and this is also my first time experiencing a loss to someone close to me and so I am not really sure how to react or anything. So yea sorry for not updating.


This chapter is dedicated to my Nana.

The next morning, I woke up and got out of bed. I decided to make breakfast and so started cooking bacon and eggs in a frying pan. Then I heard Ed get up so I went to greet him. We started to kiss hungrily and passionately until Ed said, "Hey, is something burning?" I freak out and as I run into the kitchen area I gasp in shock as flames lick the side of the wall. I quickly grab a container and filled it with water from the bathroom and splashed it on the flames. Nothing worked so I ran out of the room yelling "Ed it's your problem now!!" I then ran into the elevator and made my way to the lobby and when I stepped out the fire alarm blared out. I looked around and realised I was in my pjs with hair sticking up in all places. I shrieked at my appearance before sprinting with the crowd to the meeting point. When I got there, I waited but Ed didn't show.

I started panicking and looked around frantically. I found an officer looking guy and bugged him until I got a response. He told me to calm down and chill. I then above the crowd after yelling at the guy for being crazy and telling me to stay calm, I noticed that above the crowd, I could see a mop of Orange hair bouncing around and girls surrounding him screaming. Many clutched onto him so I stormed up and pulled them off. They screeched at me and I just shrugged my shoulders as I hugged Ed. He hugged back and wiped away my tears. He started whispering soothing things and I eventually calmed down. I then said, "Maybe we should get out of here, I don't wanna be in trouble for causing a fire." He smirks and says, "Lets hurry then." We then sprint out the gates and ran into the rented car where we then drove off leaving our burned gear and hotel room away.

I laughed as it went over the news that someone who started it had run off and they had finally found the culprit. We were currently staying at Ed's mates place who is in California. We managed to sneak away for a bit. The concert in between the fire and now had all been a success and now Simon Cowell is coming to our next show tomorrow night to see me perform live and if I succeed I have a chance to be on my own with him as my manager. I was excited but nervous because I didn't want to fail before him. I went and looked through my clothes for something presentable, I found my favourite bumblebee tights and then a short denim skirt. I then rummaged through and found a Captain America top and then some old faded green chucks. I then found a bright fluoro pink leather jacket and chucked my hair into a messy bun. I placed on light makeup giving me a smoky eye look. I nodded at my appearance before changing back and placing my chosen clothes in a safe spot.

It was the day of the concert. I was sweating and could not stop moving as I was extremely nervous. I could hear the fans screaming out our ship name which they created and it's Dedz. I found it odd but didn't really care. I stared at myself in the mirror and chanted that I was good, that I was going to pass and succeed. But the whole time a voice in the back of my head kept putting down and planting doubts. Ed came up and hugged me from behind before kissing me. I felt at peace instantly and knew that everything was going to be ok.

As I stepped out and faced the thousands of people, I only saw one person, Simon. I was nervous and held Ed's hand as I greeted him as he went before me. Together we trimmed the guitars and sung duets which I had written. Then after a few, he walked off leaving me to  have the stage to myself. I started to sing a new song and it brought tears to my eyes as it was about my Nana, who had cancer and then had a stroke and died and how I coped with having her gone. By the end of the song, basically the whole room was silently sobbing together as we mourned. I sorta felt bad and so I said, "I'm sorry guys for making you cry, it's just once I remembered my Nana, I thought about how I always looked up to her and was close with her but now she is gone and I never said goodbye. In fact I don't even know if she was buried or not. So I wrote about my feelings towards it." I then said, "Let's spruce it up a bit." And with that started a jumpy song and as I sang, many joined in with my crazy dancing. I glanced at Simon and could tell he was impressed how I can make a crowd cry and then make them all happy and party crazed. I smirked at my accomplishment hoping it was enough. After a few more songs. I bid my goodbyes and walked off stage.

Simon then walked up to our assigned room and congratulated Ed and I on our success. He then asked to speak to me privately so Ed left. He then said, "Well You got my approvement. I really liked how you touched the crowd and I would be honored to work with you." I started jumping up and down and then signed a contract with him and We called Ed in. Simon went and left us telling us he was excited for me to get to London.


Well guys, that literally took 3 days to write. I am seriously depressed as my Nana and I were close. I looked up to her and strived to be like her. Also my  laptop is no longer working do I use my phone which is why this writing is carp with grammar and stuff. Also thx for sticking by and waiting patiently.




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