Chapter 10

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Hey guys so I have sorta decided that this story kinda has no future so in the next couple of chapters it will be coming to an end so yea not long to go. However, I am in the process of creating a new story which is about werewolves and hunters etc. I want to make a range of stories.

Anyway enjoy lovelies


It has been two years and I am proud of my accomplishments. I have produced 5 albums and gone on 3 world tours. I also won a Grammy and met so many wonderful people. I was an icon to the world yet nobody knew of my little secret. I was dying like literally dying. I never told anyone and every month I give a blood sample to my doctor from London to New Zealand and every month he tells me if it worsens or is the same. And this month, it has gotten worse. I am scared, I don't wanna stress anyone out. I decide that I want to die in my one place of happiness; the cave.

I start to organise things and then wait for Ed to come home. He needs to know the truth but I can't find it within myself to tell him. Ed finally walks through the door and I run and hug him. He then holds me close and pays my stomach, did I forget to mention, Ed and I are having a baby. She is 7 months in the making. I just hope I can last 2 more months for her.

We had already decided on the name Ellie Rachel Sheeran. I  just praying Ed doesn't push her away once I am gone. Everyday I get weaker and that's when I tell him where I want to go. So at 7 months pregnant, I hop on a plane with the love of my life and we fly back to our hometown. As Ed slept, I decided to write a special note to both Ed and my daughter. I write:

Dear Ed and Ellie,

I want you to know I love you both dearly and I really do hope you understand things. I never told you that I was dying and that the cancer I had could have been cured but I decided not to fight it. I knew of someone who did chemo and they were worse with the treatment. I wanted to stay strong until the very end. I knew that I wouldn't have been able to share my heart with the world otherwise and I truly wanted to make an impact on people.

Ed I love you and always will, if you meet someone else please don't think that it is cheating on me because all I want is for you to be happy, just make sure she is right for Ellie. Ellie, please be accretive of your fathers choice in women, they can be quite blotchy at times.

And another thing, Ellie, I love you so much and always will be watching over you. I pray that you too will strive to make an impact but don't just follow in my footsteps, make an impact on whatever you do best. If it happens to be singing then sure follow my footsteps but make it a brighter path. Also you be picky about future boyfriends.

Anyway, I better bid my farewell. It won't be forever but you just have to be patient.

Lots of love, Rachel (your mother).

Tears pooled in my eyes as I folded it neatly and placed on my jacket coat. Our plane finally landed in Auckland and Ed woke up. After hiring a car we sped off to Whitianga. Once we got there, we went to our Bach and settled in. I then fell asleep and woke up in immense pain at around sunset. I called for Ed but got no reply. I freaked out and so decided to find him. I got out of bed and screamed in pain as it shocked my body. I shuffled in pain with every step until I realized I was alone in the Bach. A note from Ed said that he went to get some supplies.

Something then clicked in my mind, I grabbed a basket and blanket and hopped in the spare car we kept at the Bach. I drove to the cliff and although it was painful, kept positivity in my mind. I had left a note on top of Ed's saying that once he got back he was to immediately come to the cave. I sat outside in during the sunset and watched as the stars showed themselves.

I then crawled inside and sat at the edge of the lake, I then pushed. I pushed and pushed until I heard a soft cry. I held her close to me and smiled as I whispered "Ellie" over and over. I then cleaned her in the river and with a sharp stone cut the cord as I knew Ellie would be fine. I then wrapped her up and placed her in the basket and she floated in the middle of the lake as the stars and worms shined over her. I smiled at the scenery as I slowly felt my heart stop. My vision started to go and as it did, Ed appeared. He sprinted to me and held me tightly. He was crying but I wasn't afraid. He seemed so confused and so I handed him my letter.

I then with my last breaths started singing the very first song I wrote as a duet and Ed soon joined in and then I looked up towards the sky and smiled as my soul left my body. I floated upwards and twisted my body to see what was below. There I saw Ed clutch my body and cry out. I felt bad for doing this to him but I couldn't have him fuss over me. I stared down at my perfect Ellie and knew that her and Ed were going to be ok. I then recognised the wild flowers sprinkling over the meadow and ran over to my family. They were so happy to see me and I them. I felt free, wild and carefree. I was finally healthy and happy and always will be.


That wasn't the end. I think there may be one more chapter and then an epilogue ok guys. Thx for supporting me. Also please comment and give me feedback. I want to know what you guys think. Also be brutally honest like seriously I want to improve not stay where I am already.

Love you all babes

Dudz (btw dudz is my real nickname)

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