Chapter 6

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Right guys, so this chapter is going to be a quicky because I wanted to update before I went to my sisters, as she has no wifi. And I have literally half an hour. I also have to have dinner first so yea bear with guys


My body shook violently all over, and my mind and vision became quite fuzzy. I remember falling and my sister picking me up and rushing me to the car but after that I blacked out. When I came to, I was in the local doctors office located in the middle of town. I sat up right and was immediately overcome with dizziness. As I finally came to properly I noticed I was alone. I didn't know if I should go find somebody or just sit here, I decided to not sit still and wait because I get impatient quite easily and so I opened the door quietly and slipped out. I found a window and realized it was dark out. I then wandered out into the hallway but the place was deserted. Well was until a nurse started coming towards me. She noticed me and rushed over.

She started asking me all these questions but they just went through one ear and out the other. I couldn't contain any information so I tried to walk away and find somebody else to help. The keyword there was tried. She instantaneously grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards the room I came from. She sat me down after I gave up on fighting and sat on the bed. She went over some paperwork and sighed. I was confused and just wanted my bedroom. She then picked up a phone and called someone. After about 30 minutes, my sister rushed in and demanded to see me.

She came into the room I was confined in and gave me a hug, she smiled and said, "I am so glad you are ok. You scared me so much Dudzy." I tried to smile and reassure her but nothing would express. I fought hard with my brain but for some reason was emotionless. Amy went to speak to the nurse about it and after a quick cat scan, they found some brain damage that had damaged the part that controls emotions. I can think them but can't express them. For some strange reason it seemed so similar and then flashbacks of memories came with me being in an institute and everything. I decided to stay away and not go with them no matter what.

I snapped out of my trance and explained that I wanted to remain home no matter the cost and that no way in hell was I going to an institute. The nurse thought for a bit and said, "I think we may be able to help. Just come back tomorrow for some paperwork." And with that I walked out with my sister and we went home. I was saddened by the fact that I could show no emotion but only in my head. I started thinking of a way I may be able to express the hidden emotions when suddenly a few memories came back to me of my childhood where I use to sing my thoughts. I decided to try it and my sister grew excited that I could express my emotions through music.

After that, everyday when I felt an emotion that I wanted to share whether it be annoyance, anger, happiness, I would sing and make my own lyrics up. I would find beats and make up lyrics. Everyone in Whitianga, well all the locals know who I am. I started singing in pubs and at festivals and people always came to see me. I was famous for my strange outfits and music within the town. I was happy with just that knowing I was somewhat famous. Then it came, the day of my 17th birthday. My sister threw a massive party in one of her paddocks with a massive tent and music blaring. It was great almost the whole town showed up and it was still going until the sun came up. 

I also remembered that the concert was tonight and it turns out for the scallop festival, Ed Sheeran will be playing and so my tickets weren't needed as I too was playing on the main stage so I sold them and gained $500. I helped my sister clean up everything and then walked back down the hill to my bedroom so I can pick an outfit. I decided on some yellow and black striped bumblebee tights, with faded blue, ripped short shorts and a bright, vibrant purple, shoulder less, yet long sleeved top that tucked into my shorts slightly. I wore my hair down, shaking it out as the colors flowed and clashed with my weird outfit. I was happy with my appearance but my body showed nothing in the mirror. I shrugged my shoulder before grabbing my guitar case and leaving my room.

I then hopped in the car with my over excited niece and nephew and together we sang with excitement the whole way to the festival. When we pulled up, cars were everywhere and many people were already drunk as they staggered to their unknown destinations. I looked around as I saw the festivities and walked to set up my things. As I was waiting I heard the british accent, I hear on the radio and tv and grew excited. He walked in and as I fan-girled, nothing came out. I stood emotionless and just stared. He stared right back at me and then paled. I then said, "Hey, you must be Ed, it's nice to finally meet you. I am a huge fan." But my voice came out monotone and sounded really plain. It must have seemed to him that I was kidding around and being sarcastic when really, I wasn't. 

He just stood there before excusing himself. He went into the bathroom and I could hear him whispering to himself. I knew he was confused as to why I looked so similar and why I was so emotionless. I waited patiently until he was finished before entering after as I needed to go. I could hear his name being said over the speaker and the millions, well about 200 fans screaming their heads off. I finished up and walked to the front row where I awkwardly seemed out of place. He kept glancing at me and I knew he hoped I wouldn't notice so I acted as though I didn't. I started dancing and being a fool and others joined in knowing who I was.


Sorry to leave it right there guys but I have to go. Love you xxx


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