Chapter 8

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Hey guys, so I apologize for not having edited my story. Once it is complete I will go through and edit properly.


I woke up again and looked around. I noticed a sleeping body in the corner and saw his orange hair. I tried to smile but my face just did not move. Instead I felt all numb and stuff so I sat up and when I tried to walk, I realized I could not so I crumpled to the floor with a loud oomph. It woke Ed up and he quickly gets to his feet and lifts me up. He hugs me and doesn't let go as I struggled against him. I then whispered, "Uhh Ed please let go, I sorta need to pee." He quickly lets go and calls my nurse. She comes in and carries me to the loo before helping me. Afterwards when I am all settled, I notice that Ed smells bad and looks like complete shit so I sent him home to shower and change. 

The doctor then comes in and introduces himself, after some questions he says, "Look Rachel, I am really sorry but after a cat-scan, we noticed something near your appendix, you have a tumor. Its called carcinoma and we have no cure except chemo therapy. Rachel, you are going to die." I really wanted my tears to well up in my eyes as I hear the sincerity in his voice but alas I sat emotionless. I could not believe it. I was going to die afterall. I then said, "Can you please not tell anyone and keep it confidential and also if I decided to take the chemo, what is the possibility I survive and could it come back? Also if I don't take any treatment, how long will I live?" He sighs and replies with, "Rachel, if you took chemo you have a 36% of it working and a 20% chance of it returning. If you didn't take the treatment, you can live up to 2 years however, it is different for everyone." I then stare at him. I could not believe it I was dieing. I let him leave saying I will give him an answer tomorrow. 

I thought over my life and cried on the inside. I knew I wasn't meant to stay here but why do I keep returning anyway. Maybe I was meant for something. I then heard the tv switch on and so I looked up, there stood Ed and I ran and hugged him. He seemed surprised but never said anything and just held me. I then looked into his eyes and asked him to get me out of this place. He went and spoke to the nurse and I went and found the doctor. I told him that I was not going to take the medication and that I was going to live day by day until I pass. He wished me well and promised to keep it a secret. I then walked out of the hospital hand in hand with Ed. 

When we got home, I told Ed that I wanted to share my music with the world and that I wanted to go with him for the rest of tour and live with him over in London, and then come back after a couple of years. Mentally I added, so I can die in the cave. Ed then came up to me gave me a peck and said, "Anything for you love." He called his manager that night and organised everything. In a couple of days, I will leave my home and only return to die. I was excited and that night at about 3 in the morning when I finally accepted the fact that I wasn't going to sleep, I got up and walked out to catch some cool, summer air. While I walked around I found myself heading towards the ocean. I sat along the rocks and watched the town lights. So much had happened to me and as I cried, I saw a shooting star. I closed myself and wished that I could express emotions. I wanted no needed to express them before I die. 

Then a miracle happened, I saw a pod of whales and smiled as they freely swam away. I too wanted to leave and be carefree. I then realized that I was smiling and not in my head, my face had changed, I could move my muscles, I could express my feelings. I shouted out and let all my excitement out before I rushed back to the house and did a dance in the middle of the lounge. I woke up everyone and together we rejoiced. When the sun rose we all fell asleep and at about 2 in the afternoon, we all got up and started being active. I could not wipe the grin off my face. Ed would tease me about it until I punched him in the shoulder. I then really wanted to go to the cave as today was especially hot. I then asked my niece and nephew if they wanted to come for an adventure with me as I was babysitting.

Denial // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now