Chapter 7

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Hey guys, so yay my dad got my laptop working. I have some news though. Throughout this coming week, I have cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and basically a ton of family coming from England, Israel, and other places to come see my nana as she is basically on her deathbed and so things are pretty tough on me right now. Updates may become really infrequent but you will have to bear with. Also because I might be a bit upset, I just wanna say that these chapters may express that as I always put my feelings into each chapter. Anyway enjoy this update.


I danced the night away to his songs with the strangers. But now we are sitting and listening to songs that were heartfelt and lots of people were crying even men but here I was not even able to move my face muscles in order to create any emotion. Everyone knew of my condition and they all pitied me but they still supported me. Once it was the last song, I disappeared out back and picked up my guitar. I plucked away until I heard the speaker man say, "Well wasn't that just the best. Now we have someone who is famous and one of you guys, someone who came back from the dead. I welcome to the stage, Rachel." Shouts, whistles, and screams filled the air. Ed looked confused as to how I had so any fans. I winked at him and then walked on stage.

I tested my microphone and then said, "Well I don't think I can beat Ed but I sure as hell can make this a party and bring you all to life." Their screams surrounded me and within I smiled. I then started to strum and then I sung. My voice filled the air. This song was slow and many people especially couples started to slow dance. I got everyone up on their feet doing a dance, this continued for a couple more songs before I stop and say, "Let's spruce it up a bit aye!" I then start to strum and I create an upbeat rhythm before I knew it, people especially the young went crazy and We had a wild party in the tent. It was great fun and when it stroke midnight, I stopped. People moaned when I said goodbye but then after having a few drinks they forgot about it.

When I walked backstage, I bumped into Ed. He caught me in his colourful arms and I stared into his blue eyes. They captivated me but of course I  never showed it. He let's go of me and then asks, "Why do you never show any emotion? Why do you look so familiar? And why the hell does your name seem so familiar? Do I know you?" I just said, "All will be revealed my ginger friend." And with that I turned on my heel and walked away into the night.

I decided that I wanted to get high, so I headed to the cave where I kept a stash of pot. I walked there swiftly and made sure no one followed as best I could but alas, I wasn't quick enough because while I was there relaxing and smoking pot, I heard a shout and it wasn't just anyone's shout it was Ed Sheeran's voice. I froze not knowing what to do until I decided maybe it was for the best. After that, when he came into view, I did the boldest thing anyone could do, I ran at him, wrapped my arms around his neck and I planted my lips firmly on his. He seemed rather shocked until I felt him melt in my arms and give in. We kissed for what felt like a lifetime before we both pulled away gasping for breath.

I then walked back to the edge and dipped my feet into the warm water. I sighed and lay back, watching the stars. Ed came and lay next to me. He told me that he remembers me and how I was and had always been his first love. He then went on to talk about how he felt bad about not visiting me or his parents. He also mentioned that his manager had thought I was holding him back and so told Ed, it was written in parents will that if I never woke up and they passed away, my life support was also to be cut off. He was told I was dead. It's why it came as a shock that I was alive and have the same personality. I then explained what had happened since I had woken up and how it was actually my second time. As I spoke I seemed to remember more and more of the first time I awoke. Those memories had come back but most of my childhood was gone.

Ed and I planned to go see our parents at the cemetery tomorrow and that he was going to make sure I do not get kidnapped. We then discussed my emotionless self and how through songs I can express how I feel. He said I should be his songwriter and one day sing as well but I knew that would be a long shot. As we spoke I saw a shooting star and so I closed my eyes in pure bliss and made a wish that Ed and I would have a fairytale love story and that we would live out lives together happily.

The next day, the sun shone brightly against my face and I wake up to realise I am still in the cave, wrapped up in Ed's arms. I smile on the inside and feel all warm. I shake Ed awake and We walk out together and then climb up the cliff. I then grabbed his hand as we walked back to my place, our old place. He looks saddened as he sees his childhood home burnt to the ground in a bunch of ruins. I squeeze his hand as we enter my house. I get greeted warmly by my sister and her family and Ed is welcomed back. I go to my room and get changed into new clothes. This time it's a patched up pair of leggings with patches of all colours almost like the colorful coat in the story of Joseph in the bible. Over top I had a massive black males (Ed's old top from way back) jersey that went mid thigh. I wore a green singlet underneath. My non matching clothes proved what I am like. It is a mirror to my soul.

I chuck on my faded blue chucks and together, Ed and I walked out the door in order to go to the cemetery. It was weird sitting next to him even though last time I was pushed to the back. As we sit in a comfortable silence, I think about the pictures I had seen of my parents and was saddened that I could not remember any of my family. We finally pulled up and I never once saw the creepy van. We ended up racing each other to the grave stones which of course it was a tie as neither of us knew where they were because neither of us had visited them since they passed. Well obviously I couldn't but didn't even though it had been a year. We started to talk to them about things and life and it brought peace in my heart for some unknown reason.

I then felt like I was being watched so I turn around and standing there is none other than Tremain, my stalker. I step back and cling to Ed as he spins around. Ed gets mad and starts to yell at Tremain who then runs up and punches Ed. A full on first fight opens up and I am stuck standing there all confused.

While they were too busy fighting,y head started to ache and my vision was going all blotchy. I could barely stand and I fell to the ground. Then pain spread through my body and I screamed out. Ed quickly knocks out Tremain and rushes to the hospital. I black out and I see a field. I then see my mother. She walks up to me and says, "Rachel, I am so sorry but you are going to be here sooner than you thought. I'm sorry to say that something big is going to happen and if you want to produce music, then please start asap. You will understand when you wake up. I love you my child."


Hey guys, so uhh I am gonna stop the chapter there. I would go on but to be honest, it's like 3 in the morning and my house is making creepy noises and because I live off the garage and am alone on the downstairs floor, I want to go to sleep so yea. To put it simply I am scared right now. So anyway love you guys heaps.


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