Chapter 3: One huge fight

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CCKILLER00:  Finally, I can write another chapter.  I'm not taking song requests at this time, so you'll have to wait.  Okay, let's read.
Narrator: The Paw Patrol kept playing the game over, and over, and over, and over. Until one day, everyone snaps. The dogs start fighting over the game, saying it's their turn.
Chase: It's not your turn!
Marshall: He's right, it's my turn!
Everest: No, it's my turn!
Zuma: No, it's nobody's tuwn.
Chase: You're right Zuma.
Zuma: Nobody's tuwn except mine!
Chase: Ah, jeez!
Narrator: Rocky walks out.
Rocky: I'm not getting in the middle of that.
Narrator: Blaze walks in.
Blaze: Hey guys.
Narrator: Marshall tries to slap Skye, but she doges it and hits Blaze in the face. Marshall's eyes widen because of what he did.
Blaze: (cries) Dad! Why did you do that?
Marshall: I-I-
Blaze: (cries) What did I do wrong?!!! Why did you hit me?!!
Marshall: I-I didn't mean to-
Narrator: Chase notices scratch marks on Blaze's face.
Blaze: (screams) I can't believe you've treated me like this!!!!!! I wish you weren't my real dad!!!!!!!!!
Narrator: Blaze runs into Chase's pup house crying. Chase grabs Marshall and slams him to a wall, holding his collar.
Chase: Is this how you treat your own son?!!!!!!!!!
Marshall: (cries) Chase, I-I-I didn't mean to-
Chase: So much for a real father you are, hitting your own son for no apparent reason!!!!!
Marshall: (cries) I'm sorry Chase!!!! Please don't hurt me!!!!!!!
Chase: It's not me who you should be apologizing to, and you're lucky I won't!
Narrator: Chase slams Marshall to a wall, and Marshall breaks down into tears. Skye goes to Marshall.
Skye: Marshall, why would you do that?
Marshall: I'm so sorry, Skye! I'm so sorry!
Chase: You better be!
Narrator: Chase goes to his pup house, where Blaze is. Chase comforts Blaze after what happened. Moments later, Skye comes in crying.
Chase: Skye, what happened?
Narrator: Chase see's scratch marks on Skye's eye.
Chase: What happened to you?
Skye: I was trying to talk them out into stop playing that game, but then Rubble hit me, pushed me, and scratched me in my eye.
Chase: I'm going to kill him!
Narrator: Chase steps out his pup house, while Skye stops him.
Skye: (cries) Chase, please don't go back out there. You don't know what you're about to get yourself into!
Chase: I feel like I do!
Narrator: Skye pushes Chase.
Skye: (cries) Chase please.
Narrator: Chase looks at Skye's eyes with anger, and a tear falls out of Skye's eye. Chase then looks at her with that feeling whatever it's called when you feel bad for someone.
Chase: (sighs) Okay, fine! We need to get you an ice pack.
Skye: I'm fine, really I am!
Chase: You're eye's starting to swell a little. Let me get you an ice pack.
Skye: But it's dangerous in there.
Chase: I'll just go to Jake's mountain.
Skye: Be careful.
Chase: I will.
Narrator: Chase goes to Jake's mountain to get some ice. He goes to Jake's cabin, where he sleeps. Chase knocks on the door. Jake wakes up and opens his door. Jake yawns.
Jake: Chase, what are you doing here at one in the morning?
Chase: I need a bag of ice.
Jake: Okay!
Narrator: Jake goes to his freezer with a bag, and fills the bag with ice and gives it to Chase.
Jake: Here!
Chase: Thanks, so that's how humans look with no shirt on.
Jake: (chuckles) Real funny!
Chase: Okay, bye Jake!
Narrator: Jake yawns.
Jake: Bye Chase.
Narrator: Chase goes back to his pup house, and gives the ice pack to Skye.
Chase: Here.
Skye: Thanks!
Narrator: Skye puts the ice pack over her eye. Skye starts crying.
Skye: So much bad things are happening ever since we got new DLC content for that game.
Chase: I know!
Skye: I wish we can destroy that game.
Chase: Me too!
Narrator: Chase, Skye and Blaze hug each other, and try to recover from all what they've been through.  Meanwhile, Rocky talks everyone out, except Rubble so far, into not playing the game.
Rocky: Rubble please, don't you realize what you did to Skye?
Rubble: I don't care! Nothing's going to stand in my way into playing this awesome game!
Marshall: The game that's trying to kills us all!!!!
Zuma: Dude, sewiously, you gotta stop! It's messing with yo bwain.
Rubble: Hey, I thought I saw a few shiny gold coins outside, why don't you go get them for me?
Dogs (except Chase, Skye, and Rubble): Okay!
Narrator: Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and Everest go outside and look for the coins.
Rocky: Guys, he tricked us!
Narrator: Rubble closes and locks the doors. Everyone outside tries to open the doors, but they wouldn't open.
Zuma: Wubble, dude let us in!
Rubble: No way, now that you guys are out there, I have this whole game to myself.
Marshall: Rubble, seriously! You gotta stop playing that game.
Rubble: No, I've never got a turn at it, so I'm playing the game!
Everest: Rubble, open the doors right now!!!!
Narrator: Everyone outside yells at Rubble while he plays the game, addictingly. Chase, Skye and Blaze are in the pup house, still comforting Blaze.
CCKILLER00: Things aren't looking too good, guys. What do you think is going to happen to Rubble? I'll make the next chapter tomorrow, bye.

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