Chapter 4: Game Over

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CCKILLER00: What's up guys. Here's another chapter for you.
Narrator: Rubble keeps playing the game over and over, and the dogs try to stop him.
Marshall: Damn, we can't get the door open! Anyone got any ideas?
Narrator: The game electrocutes Rubble, and Rubble falls on the ground.
Dogs: (except Rubble) RUBBLE!!!!!!
Chase: I told him that game was dangerous, but he never listens.
Marshall: Chase, don't you think that you're kind of, I don't know how to put it this way, a bit too parenting around Rubble?
Chase: Rubble doesn't ever learn from his mistakes. That's why I'm trying to teach him to not do something stupid like this.
Rocky: Uhh, guys?
Dogs: (except Rocky and Rubble) What?
Narrator: The front of the lookout explodes and everyone flies back. Rubble steps out with a look of anger in his eyes.
Chase: Rubble, what the hell are you doing?
Narrator: Rubble laughs because it wasn't Rubble.
PupPupBoogie: I'm not Rubble, I am PupPupBoogie, the bad edition.
Rocky: You're such a cheap knockoff!
PupPupBoogie: Correct, I am finally free from this wretched console to take shape into this body.
Chase: What do you want from us?
PupPupBoogie: I want to destroy you all, and force everybody to play video games for their entire lives.
Chase: That's crazy!!!! Too much time spending on video games is bad for you, you can't do this!!!!
PupPupBoogie: That was a very terrible insult! You should watch your mouth there, Chase!
Skye: I never should've played you!!!! You've almost made me care about nothing but winning!!!!
PupPupBoogie: Why should you care?!!! Your skills are as bad as your insults!
Narrator: Skye growls.
Skye: My skills are at the top of the line!! I do the best at that game!
PupPupBoogie: Not anymore, come check this out.
Narrator: Skye follows Rubble into the Lookout. The screen shows Skye with a lower score than Rubble.
Skye: But that's impossible, Rubble can't do better than me!
PupPupBoogie: But you can change all that if you play.
Chase: (yells) Skye, get out of there! It's a trap!!!!
Skye: Uhhmmm!!!!
PupPupBoogie: You care a lot about your winning streak, don't you?
Skye: Well, um, yeah, but-
PupPupBoogie: Then play!!
PupPupBoogie: Oh, and what's that?
Skye: My family, my friends, my owner, my boyfriend, and my son!!
PupPupBoogie: Is that so?
Skye: Yes!!!!!
PupPupBoogie: Let me help you change your mind.
Narrator: Skye gets electrocuted by the game.
Chase: SKYE!!!!!!
Narrator: Chase rams the door as hard as he can, and breaks the glass. Rubble tackles Chase and bites him. Marshall throws Rubble off of him.
PupPupBoogie: Look, another victim has come to play.
Narrator: The game shocks Marshall and he gets electrocuted. Skye tries to grab Chase, but Chase grabs her paw and throws her over him, and onto the ground.
Chase: I'm sorry Skye.
Marshall: You know what, I've had enough of this game! Come on guys, let's destroy that thing.
Narrator: Everyone except Rocky goes after the game.
Rocky: I wouldn't do that If I were you!!!
Narrator: The dogs get electrocuted and they turn as well. They all walk outside, surrounding Chase and Rocky.
Chase: Man, we're trapped!! There's no hope for us anymore!
Keys: Looks like you could use some extra paws out there.
Chase: Huh?
Narrator: Keys, Alonzo, Romili, Swipey, Swift and Killer jump out and Chase looks behind.
Chase: Keys, hey you came back!
Narrator: They both paw bump each other with a hug.
Chase: It's good to see you again, but why did you jump me?
Keys: Because, fam! You had fleas on you, so we brought you this.
Killer: You had no idea how many of those motherfuckers were on you!
Swift: I saw five on your back!!
Alonzo: Tell your owner Ryder to get you some flea repellant. That shit works good!
Narrator: Killer sprays Chase with the flea repellant spray. The fleas drop like crazy, and Chase shakes them off.
Swipey: Better?
Chase: Yeah!
Alonzo: So we've heard yo boys getting obsessed with a game.
Chase: Yeah, it's taking control of them.
Narrator: The dogs have Rocky pummeled to the ground.
Rocky: GET OFF OF ME!!!!
Romili: Well we got you man. Here.
Narrator: Romili gives Chase a bomb.
Chase: Why'd you give me this?
Romili: Remember that time when Mayor Humdinger's lookout exploded?
Narrator: A flashback occurs to where they were younger at Mayor Humdinger's lookout. The KKARSS crew are at the top of the lookout.
Alonzo: Hey Romili, you got that bomb still?
Romili: Yeah, this will teach them who to not fuck with. For our brotherly owner, AJ!
Narrator: They all howl in excitement, and they sneak into the lookout and set the bomb to twenty days, put it under a bucket and they jump out.
Narrator: The flashback ends.
Chase: Wait, you guys are telling me that you are the ones that exploded Mayor Humdinger's lookout?
Keys: We planned it all out. We knew Marshall would do something like that.
Chase: So, what am I suppose to do with this?
Keys: You want to save your other friends and your girlfriend?
Chase: Yeah.
Keys: Throw this into the main compartment shaft of your game, and it should explode, and don't forget to set the timer.
Narrator: Chase sets it to three minutes.
Swift: You sure about that, only three minutes?
Chase: Three minutes is all I need. You guys just help me get in there.
Narrator: Swift, Romili, Alonzo, Swipey, Keys and Killer throw the dogs off of Rocky and the dogs fight the KKARSS crew.
Chase: Rocky, come on!
Narrator: Rocky follows Chase to the lookout, the doors are locked again.
Rocky: Damnare, qui ad fores lovked iterum, et youll 'have ut conteram per speculum!
Chase: English Rocky!
Rocky: Just follow my lead.
Narrator: Rocky smashes through the glass window and Chase steps in.
PupPupBoogie: Intruders.
Narrator: The game zaps an Arc Restraint on Rocky.
Rocky: Chase, catch!
Narrator: Just before the arc restraint took effect on Rocky, he throws the bomb to Chase. The game focuses attention to Chase, and zaps at Chase. Chase slides, dodges the incoming projectile, and the bomb lands in the main terminal unit. The game then zaps an arc restraint on Chase and they were both trapped. The game laughs.
PupPupBoogie: Your days are over Chase and Rocky!!
Chase and Rocky: No!!!
Narrator: The dogs and the KKARSS crew are still fighting outside while Rocky and Chase are trapped in the lookout.
CCKILLER00: Cliffhanger alert! This chapter is getting way too detailed, but I'll just leave it here to be hung by a thread. I'll make the next chapter tomorrow, bye.

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