Chapter 17

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The three friends stood in Scarab's kitchen, laughing and talking about what a good day they had had.

"Well," the SandWing said, "I think I'll be off to bed." She waved her barbed tail as she started up the staircase.

"Goodnight." Pearl and Koi chimed as she vanished upstairs.

Finally, they were alone.

"Koi..." Pearl said nervously.

"I know," she sighed, shaking her head, "I really shouldn't have left you like that."

"Oh," Pearl was about to say she accepted her apology, when Koi kept on talking.

"I just-" she hesitated for a moment, putting her words together, "Ever since Jade Mountain, It's been my instinct to run from what scares me, and I think that this is the safest place on Phyrria."

"Well, that's good then, I guess..." Pearl nervously played with the pink pearl bracelt on her left wrist.

"It would be great if you would just stay here with me and Scarab." Koi's eyes sparkled with hope.

"But, the Eyes of Purity are dead now!" The white SeaWing exclaimed, "You don't have to hide anymore, you can come back to Jade Mountain next year with me and Scarab!"

Koi closed her eyes, clenching a fist on the island, "That's not what I meant." she sighed, letting out whatever sort of anger had boiled up inside of her, "I am done hiding."

Pearl saw that Koi's beautiful cyber yellow eyes were shimmering with tears once they reopened, "I meant, stay here with us, stay here with me, because I love you."

Pearl's heart pounded inside of her, "You mean... like that?" She had thought there was no way in a million years that Koi could like her back.

Koi stared back at her, the emotional heat of the moment radiating in her expression, "Yes!" she gasped in exasperation.

Oh, moons, do I kiss her now? Pearl thought, though it seemed rather dramatic.

Koi scrunched her eyes shut in embarrassment, "Moons, I should have known."

"No, Koi!" Pearl waved a webbed talon as she stepped around the island toward the orange dragon, "I don't- er- I do- I just- AGH- I do like you back- and yes like that- I just-"

Apparently she didn't need to explain more, because that's when Koi kissed her.

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