Chapter 1

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I'm not sure how I found myself in this situation, but I'm sure as hell not sorry…

I was late to school. Again. Not that it mattered much. First period was study hall, then art class. The principal caught me by the collar as I tried to sneak in.
“Frank Iero, you're going to be the death of me. Why do you insist on being late?”
“I'm sorry, ma'am… I, um, I…” I was scared to death to tell her why I was late. I didn't think she'd understand.
“Frank, get to class. I'm going to have to give you detention.”
“Yes, ma'am”
I sat through the second half of study hall, wondering if old Mrs. Andrews would have us do something specific, or just a free drawing day. Art class was one of the few classes I liked. That and music. Those were the only things that kept me halfway sane. 
The bell sounded, and I trudged to art class, stopping by my locker to get my good drawing pencils. Once again, someone had slipped a note through the slots, informing me I was a no good emo fag. I just shook my head and threw it in the trash can nearby.
“Assholes” I muttered under my breath, closing the door and heading upstairs to class. 
Three flights of steps later, I was sweaty and out of breath, and almost late. Suddenly, someone knocked into me, and my books went skidding across the floor.
“Oh, god, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention.” The guy that had run into me said, kneeling down to help me grab all of my books.
“It's alright… thanks for helping me.” He looked up at me and smiled, and I was struck by his pretty hazel eyes. “I, um, I have to go… class.” 
“No problem. No need to be late because of my clumsy self.” He smiled again, standing and walking into the restroom. I hurried on, getting through the door as the second bell rang. Our teacher wasn't there yet, so I sat in the back corner, thinking about the new guy. 
He was… I almost wanted to say pretty. He was tall, maybe 5’9” or so, and slender. He was cute. I wondered if he had any of my classes, because I wanted to get to know him better.
The door opened, and he walked in, my jaw dropping when he went to the teacher's desk.
“Hello, everyone, my name is Mr. Way. I'll be your teacher for Art 4 for the rest of the year. Any questions?” He looked around and caught me staring at him, smiling back at me. He gave me a wink then looked away. Me being me, I blushed. He pointed to the girl who raised her hand.
“What happened to Mrs. Andrews?”
“She had a health issue come up, and decided it was time to retire.” He pointed to someone else, answering another question. 
We ended up taking the whole class for questions and answers, and I kept looking at him, trying not to stare, but he caught me several times. He'd smile and go to the next question, and I would blush and look away. Finally the bell rang. As I slipped out of my seat, I heard Mr. Way speak up.
“If any of you have detention, I expect to see you in the cafeteria at 2:45 sharp. Have a good day, guys.”

Teach Me, Mr WayWhere stories live. Discover now