Chapter 6

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Six and a half hours later, I was at the Way home, awake and staring up at the ceiling. It was a little after midnight, Ray was out cold, and I could make out the sounds of Mikey and Bob kissing and whispering. I was pretty sure that they were planning on having sex sooner or later, and I was trying to figure out how not to hear that. Fortunately, they passed out before I got an earful.
When I'd gotten there earlier, Mikey and Bob were already kissing. “Awe, get a room, guys”
“Nah, man, we're good. Besides, you might want to join in.” Bob teased.
“Dude, you're so not my type.” I laughed. I had to admit, he fit into our group of friends well, and I was glad he made Mikey so happy. Mikey pecked Bob's cheek as he got up off of his lap, coming over to me.
“Hey, can I talk to you a second?” Mikey didn't give me an option, just pulled me into his dad's home office. “What's going on with you and my brother?” I shook my head, trying to act innocent.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” 
“Right… because, when he found out that you were going to be here tonight, he changed his plans and is going out to a party with some coworkers. Now what happened?” I cracked, telling him everything.
“I swear, I wasn't planning on kissing him, Mikey. I just… ugh... I'm totally pathetic, drooling over a guy I can't have.”
“Frankie, you're my best friend and nothing is going to change that. And to be honest, if you and Gee ever did get together, I'd be happy for you both, because you're exactly the kind of guy I'd pick for him, if it was up to me.”
“But now everything is awkward and weird…”
“Hey, I know my brother. I understand why he freaked out, but give it a couple of days. He'll come around to his old self again.” After that, it was pizza, movies and video games until Mrs. Way told us lights out.
Finally, around one in the morning, I gave up and got up to pee. I had just washed and dried my hands, and not paying much attention, I started back to my sleeping bag, only to come nose to bare chest with Gerard.
“Frankie? Bound and determined to run me over at home, too, are you?” I looked up at him in alarm, surprised by the warmth of his body against mine. I took a step back.
“I... I'm sorry, Mr. Way... I didn't know you were home.” He stood there watching me as I turned every shade of red from embarrassment.
“We're not at school now, Frankie. You can call me Gerard here.” He bit his lip, and I could see he was as nervous around me as I was when around him.
“I'm sorry about earlier. At school. I shouldn't have…”
“No, you really shouldn't have, Frank. But it's alright. I've been trying not to think about it…”
“Oh… um, Yeah, me, too.” I looked down at my feet, noticing that he still wore his dress shirt, completely unbuttoned and pulled loose from his tight black jeans.
“You don't understand, Frankie, I've been trying not to think about it, because it makes me want to do this…” He kissed me, picking me up and wrapping my legs around him as he carried me into the bathroom, closing the door and heading for the counter. His lips, tasting of whiskey, never left mine as he sat me down on the counter, his hands gliding over my back and hauling my crotch tight against him. 
“Gerard…” I mumbled against his lips, my own hands exploring his chest. He pulled away, looking at me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't describe, one that made me want him all the more.
“Frankie… go to bed… please, as much as I want to, I can't.” He had a tortured tone in his voice, more telling than his kiss was. “I promise you, Frankie, I'm not saying no because I don't want you. You have no idea…” I slipped off the counter and around him, not saying anything as I escaped from the temptation he presented.
I went straight to my sleeping bag, so turned on and so frustrated I wanted to scream. Laying there, staring at the ceiling again, I pictured him kissing me again, so overwhelmed I had to touch myself, tugging my boxers down and stroking myself as I felt again how he'd hauled me tight against him. I covered my mouth with my free hand, not wanting my moans to wake anyone up.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him standing in the doorway, watching me. I decided to put on a show for him. I pulled the sleeping bag open with one hand, still stroking myself with the other. He gasped, unable to tear his eyes away from my hand on my length. 
When I ran my thumb over the slit, my hips bucked a bit, and I thought I saw him lick his lips, one hand slipping down to rub himself through his jeans. It was enough to make me cum, and I heard his soft, tortured groan as I exploded all over my belly and chest, my hips arching off the sleeping bag. 
I heard rather than saw him move quickly away, heard the bathroom door closing. I hoped that he was in there jacking off to what he just watched. My dirty t-shirt was nearby, so I used it to clean up, then curled up on my side, finally able to sleep.

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