Chapter 13

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My phone was going crazy when I woke up the next morning. Gerard had texted me several times, and just when I thought he'd given up, I heard him and Mikey on the steps, arguing with each other. About me.

“I have to talk to him, Mikes.”

“Gee, he's been through a lot of crap. I don't know what happened last night, and personally I don't ever want to see that look on my best friend's face ever again.”

“But I didn't do anything. We pulled up to the apartment and Brendon was there. I don't know why he decided he had to talk to me at that moment, but I didn't do anything with him, other than getting him the phone number for a councilor that can help him.”

“Tell me one thing, Gee. Do you love him?”

“I… yes, I love Frank. I know I shouldn't because he's a student, but I love him just the same. He… he makes my heart happy, Mikes.”

“Then don't you dare hurt him. You might be my brother, but I will personally kick your ass if you hurt him.”

“And I'd deserve it.” I heard him sigh before he continued. “I know that he's worried because Brendon keeps popping up, but I don't want anyone else. Just my Frankie.”

I started to cry when I heard him say that, and I just sat there when he finally knocked on the door. I couldn't speak, but he cracked the door open a bit. I hated crying in front of him, but I knew he'd never judge me or tease me for it. He came in silently, sat down and pulled me onto his lap, my head on his chest.

“You know, when I signed up for teaching at my old high school, I never expected to find the right person for me in one of my students. But I ran into you, literally, and my life will never be the same.”

I giggled and sniffled as I snuggled into his arms. “I remember you before you went off to school, and I know you won't believe it, but I thought you were kinda cute back then.”

“I was a greasy haired chubby teenager that didn't think I'd ever find anyone.”

“I saw the light behind your eyes, that fire for something better for himself.” I looked up at him, kissing his nose. He chuckled softly, tightening his arms around me.

“I think that's part of why I love you so much, baby. I see that same light in you.”

After that night, the days flew by. School was going better, and I was a week away from turning 18. I received a couple of acceptance letters. One was from the local community college, which really wasn't a bad school, but it was here. The other was the New York Academy of Art. I was so excited to see that one, I didn't call Gerard, I went straight to his apartment. Literally ran.

If I hadn't been so excited…

“Frank.” I stopped and looked around, noticing Brendon and his buddies, waiting for me.

“Oh, um, hi…” I started to move again, but he stopped me.

“I have a question for you, Frank.” I went pale when he grabbed my arm.

“What do you want to know?”

“What's it like? You know, kissing him? Kissing Mr. Way.”

Teach Me, Mr WayWhere stories live. Discover now