Chapter 10

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A note and... a key. I looked at the key thoughtfully, wondering what door it was for, considering I already had a house key. Mrs. Way had given it to me after dinner when I started to gather up the dishes out of habit. I turned to the note, beginning to read.
'Dear Frankie,
By now you've hopefully gotten a little bit of time to breathe. I know that it'll probably be a few days before you're completely comfortable there, and that's okay. 
I'm sure you found that key. It's for a front door… mine. If you need someplace to go, my door is open to you. Any time, day or night.
His phone number and address were printed at the bottom of the note, and I realized that it was the unknown number on my phone from earlier that morning. I took out my phone and sent him a short message after I saved the number. 
'Thanks… XOXO- Frankie’ I didn't think he'd answer, but a few minutes later, my phone buzzed.
'You’re welcome… I hope you know that I meant it. Any time you need a break, my door is open.’
'I’ll be sure to remember that. But won't you get into trouble?’
'I don't know, but you're worth it. Now, get some sleep. Tomorrow morning will be here way too fast. G’night.’
I sent him a good night back, then settled under the covers, surprised to realize that I'd slept all night when the alarm clock went off. 
To my utter amazement, the whole day was great. Even Brendon and his crew left me alone, which had me nervous, but I let it go for right then. 
I made it to detention without a single incident, and by then, I was just starting to relax. 
“Hey, fag boy. Too bad your boyfriend isn't here to save you right now.” I heard Brendon speak softly as he grabbed me, my books falling to the floor as he forced me face first against the wall.
“Just leave me alone! I don't know why you hate me. Just let me go. Please?”
“You don't know why? Because you make me sick. You have all these girls falling over you and you don't even notice. You seem to think being into guys is okay, but it's sick and twisted and I don't like feeling like I'm a goddamned freak because I like both!” 
Gerard walked in just then, hearing the last part. “Brendon, there's nothing wrong with being bisexual or homosexual.” Brendon's face turned pale at Gerard's voice, letting me go quickly.
“Fuck! You... you heard that? Please don't tell my dad…” Gerard nodded.
“I won't. I know exactly how you feel, even though my parents are cool with it now.” I nodded before I spoke up.
“And I won't say anything, either. I'm pretty open about what and who I am, so the names don't bug me much anymore.”
“After I have been such a dick to you, you'd have every right to get back at me.” I shook my head.
“No, I wouldn't. It wouldn't do anything more than make it worse.” Gerard stepped closer, and smiled, putting one hand on my shoulder and one on Brendon's.
“Frank's right, you know. There's too much hatred already. I'm not going to judge you for being bi. It's not a bad thing like your father must have told you. Does anyone in your family know about you?”
“Mom… she's known for a while, but she was afraid that my father would kill me. He's a prick.” He looked down at the floor, looking defeated. 
“Brendon, it's going to be alright. I can help you get into some counseling to help you deal with what you're going through. It's not easy at first, but it'll help.” He looked up at Gerard, and nodded.
“I… I'll think about it.” He turned to me, then. “I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you.”
“Hey, I accept your apology. Just don't break my nose again and we'll be cool” I smiled and reached out, offering it to shake on it. He smiled a little, and took it, then quietly left the room, leaving me alone with Gerard. We stared at each other for a long moment before he went to the door, locking it, then coming to me and taking me into his arms.
“I am so damn proud of you, Frankie. You handled that better than I would have in your shoes.”
“Eh, I didn't do anything, not really. I just wanted to let him know that I'm not going to try to get even with him.”
“Still, that took guts.” He kissed me softly, then slowly let me go. I blushed, not knowing what to say.
The rest of the week went slowly, and it seemed like every time I went to talk to Gerard, Brendon was always around him, asking him questions, laughing at his jokes. It bothered me, because I wanted some time with him, too. 
By Saturday, I was getting angry, not having experienced jealousy before. I looked at my phone and at my keys. Damn it, why was he ignoring me? Not caring about the consequences, I decided that I was going to find out one way or another what he really wanted from me. I left the Way’s house, on a mission.

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