Chapter 17

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Pain… so much pain. I don't remember much about the attack. I was told later that I was lucky to be alive. At the moment, though, all I wanted to do was die, it hurt so bad.

I remember regretting that I hadn't told Gee I loved him before I got up from the table. I regretted not being able to save my mom. So many things that I couldn't fix now because I was sure I wasn't going to live through the night.

Things went mercifully black, then. I vaguely remember the ambulance, but I was looking down at myself on the stretcher. Gee sat beside me, pleading with me to wake up, tears spilling down his cheeks. The EMT with us had to give me a shot of something, and I sank back into my body, going from comfortably numb to searing pain. My eyes flew open and I screamed as everything rushed in.

“Frankie, baby, sh.. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. Just breathe for me…” his softly spoken words finally registered, and I struggled to concentrate on him.

“Gee… god, it hurts… love you…sorry if… if I don't...”

“Babe, I love you, too… but you aren't dying on me. You're going to get through this and I'm not leaving your side.”

“Who… who did…” I couldn't finish, too winded and feeling like I was going to fall back into the fog again.

“Frankie, stay with me. I don't know who did it, but we're going to find out. I promise we'll make them pay for it.” I nodded, my eyes drooping. By then we'd made it to the hospital, and I was out cold for the rest of the night.

A week slipped by. Then two. I don't remember the surgery to repair my hand and arm. The attackers had stomped on them, shattering the bones, thankfully not my dominant hand, but at the moment, I wasn't sure if I would ever have full use of that side again.

Another few weeks ran by before I was able to get out of my hospital bed without help, the doctor deciding to get me off of the pain medication that had made me feel like I was floating with every step. I slowly made my way down to the cafeteria, wanting coffee more than anything else. Gee was there, his head resting on his arms on the table, fast asleep. He'd been by my side whenever he wasn't at school, and I knew he had to be exhausted if he'd fallen asleep like that. The nurse saw me and came over.

“Hi, there, Frank. I think your friend is worn out.” I smiled a little bit.

“Yeah… I think, aside from work, he's been here with me constantly.” She nodded.

“What does he do?” Her question was a little bit personal, but I wasn't sure why it bothered me.

“He's an art teacher. He's also my best friend's older brother, and their whole family took me as one of their own when Mom died. He's been helping me get my portfolio ready for college since I graduated early.” I rambled a little bit, then stopped, shaking my head. “What's with the 20 questions anyway? All I wanted to do was get a coffee.”

“Nothing's up. I was just wondering was all. I'm glad you have friends that are that close. I'm sorry if it came off like an interrogation.”

“I… it's alright. Sorry for being a little on edge. I think I'm still a little jumpy from wondering who put me in here in the first place.”

“Hey, no, that's completely understandable. Tell you what. You sit down by your friend, and I'll bring you both some coffee.” She smiled again, and I nodded, glad because I hadn't been sure how I was going to get it back to the table anyway. Thanking her, I sat down near Gerard.

“Gee? Wake up and drink some coffee with me.” I tugged on his sleeve. He moaned softly, further asleep than I thought. “Gerard… wakey wakey, Mr. Way. You need to refuel your caffeine.” The nurse chuckled as I tried to wake him up, holding up a finger.

“Mr. Way, the doctor is ready to give you your prostate exam now.” I burst out laughing at the look of sheer terror on his face when he looked up at her.

“What the hell…” he looked from her to me, slowly relaxing. “Not funny… okay, maybe a little bit.” I could see the worry lines and the look of exhaustion around his eyes, and all I wanted to do was cuddle with him, let him sleep in my arms.

“Gee, get a little coffee in you and go get some sleep. I know for a fact that the other bed in my room isn't occupied and that they said you can use it for a while. I don't want you to drive this tired.” I added the last part before he could protest. “Besides, no need for both of us being admitted for injuries.”

“Okay, you got me, there. I have good news and bad news. And more good news.” I took a sip of my coffee before I answered.

“Okay, what's the first good news.”

“I was talking to the doctor and they said that you can go home on Friday.”

“Good… so what's the bad news.”

“You're going to need physical therapy for your arm and hand, and they're not sure how much they can do.”

“I kinda expected that part… I hope… never mind. I'll tell you later. What's the other good news?”

“They got 'em, baby. Your attackers are in jail.”

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