Chapter 4

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The next morning, I was actually early getting to school for once. I was in a good mood because I would be hanging out with my two best friends and get away from home for a while. Mom had been passed out on the floor by the couch when I got up, so I quietly made myself some coffee and toast and, after putting a blanket over her, headed out the door before she even stirred.
The day at school started out halfway decent. Maintenance had repainted my locker, the last of my homework was easy and finished in the first ten minutes of first period. Pulling out my sketchbook, I started to draw, losing myself in my work.
“Dude, you're gonna be late.” I jumped a little when Ray came past me, looking up at the clock.
“Damn, that went quick. See you at lunch, Ray.” I picked up the sketchbook and ran for it. Just like Monday, I wasn't paying attention as I hit the top of the steps, running into Mr. Way... Again. My books went flying, and I fell on my ass. “God, I'm sorry, Mr. Way.” He raised an eyebrow, looking as though he wasn't sure whether to laugh or send me to detention, but he just shook his head and grinned, helping me gather up my books for the second time this week.
“If you promise not to make it a habit of trying to run me over, I won't hold it against you if you're a minute or two late into the classroom.”
“Really? Awesome, thanks, Mr. Way.”
“No prob. I know you have a long trip to get here from study hall… always did hate it when they did that to me, too. Now, go on. I'll be right in.” 
I went into the classroom, not realizing that I didn't have my sketchbook. At least, not until Mr. Way came in, my book in one hand, his coffee in the other. He had a funny look on his face, and I knew immediately that he'd seen the picture I was working on. My face burned as I blushed, looking down at my desk so I couldn't make eye contact with him.
“Okay, guys, we're going to have a free drawing day. I want you to draw anything you want.” A few of the jocks snickered, and Mr. Way laughed. ”Anything that doesn't have to be censored,” he amended. He came back to my desk and set my sketchbook in front of me, gently rested his hand on my shoulder and murmured softly, “I would like to see you after class.” His breath tickled my ear, and I shivered, nodding. He went around and looked at the different drawings on his way back to his desk, giving pointers to one and complimenting each one on their work.
When the bell rang, I stayed at my desk as everyone filed out, slumped down in my chair.
“Frank? I have a question or two for you. For one, why did you draw me? I'm not mad about it, I'm just curious.”
“I… well… I…” He chuckled softly, understanding my embarrassed blush.
“Frank, I won't push. It's alright, and I'm flattered that you drew me. My second question is, have you considered sending out college applications? I know a few art schools that would jump all over themselves to bring someone as talented as you to their campuses.”
“Mr. Way, I'd love to get out of this town, but I can't afford college.”
“Frankie, I'm almost positive that you could get a full ride scholarship with this talent. What do the rest of your grades look like?” My stomach did a little flip when he called me Frankie, and it took me a moment to speak.
“A’s and B's, mostly, a D in gym, but I'm already over my credit minimum to graduate as of last year.”
“Frankie, send out those applications for the schools and for the scholarship programs. I'll even put in a good word for you.”
I was stunned. I'd never shown anyone my personal sketchbook before. To be honest, I hadn't thought of my artwork as anything that might take me to college and out of this stupid town. My expression must have concerned him, because suddenly, Mr. Way was kneeling down beside my desk. “Frankie? Are you alright?” I nodded, looking over at him. Before I realized what I was doing, I leaned toward him, and kissed him.

Teach Me, Mr WayWhere stories live. Discover now