The Big Trip part 3

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Moon's p.o.v

It has been a month and a half since I have been in the Sinnoh region. I got to hang out with Cynthia, the champion of the Sinnoh region. I started to study Pokemon here in Sinnoh. Rotom updated the Pokedex so I can have the Sinnoh Dex. My dad got me a navy bike to ride around on it instead of walking everywhere I go. Since I have been here, I have missed everyone on Alola. Lillie, Hau, my mom, Gladion, and everyone else. Mainly Galdion, though. I decided to call him to see how he is doing.

"This Gladion, sorry I couldn't answer your call. Please leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can." The voice message said

"Hey, Gladion, it is Moon. I was wondering how you have been since I can't really be there right now. Love you and bye." I said, hanging up my phone

"Oh, how great the time I want to talk to him, he doesn't answer." I thought aloud

I am going to Professor Rowan's Lab to see if he needs any help with anything. I made it to the lab without any wild Pokemon popping up everywhere. I knocked on the lab door and waited for someone to open the door. When it open Cynthia was there and not the professor.

"Alola Cynthia." I greeted

"Hello, Moon." Cynthia greeted, and we walked towards Rowan

"Moon, Cynthia, I have a visitor coming from a place called the Alola region, and I was wondering if you two could pick him up?" Professor Rowan asked

"Of course Professor," I responded

"Come on, Cynthia lets go," I said, grabbing her arm

"You're very energetic right now," Cynthia commented

"Yeah, cause I only know two people who would come to Sinnoh," I said

"You're from Alola right," Cynthia said

"Yeah, I am the champion there, but my dad made me come here so I can visit him and Dawn," I added.

"Is your dad Ash Ketchum?" She wondered

"Yeah, he is," I replied

"Why do you ask?" I questioned

"When we were all younger and your dad was on a journey with Dawn and Brock. I met him along his journey." She responded

"So, who do you think is coming all the way from Alola?" Cynthia wondered

"Since Rowan said him, it could either be Professor Kukui doing research or Gladion Clawford having to research for Aether," I answered

Now we are at the docks and waiting for the ship to come. About half an hour later, the ship made it to the docks. While we waited, I saw Gladion get off the ship. I waited until he gets off the ship. Now that he is off the boat, I ran as fast as I could to hug him because I miss him while I was there. When I hugged him he had a shocked face when he saw me.

"Moon, what are you doing here. I didn't see you on the boat?" Gladion questioned

"I have been here for a month and a half with my dad and Dawn," I responded.

"I really don't care about that right now. All I care about is that I get to be with you." Gladion said, hugging me back

Now we are at Professor Rowan's lab, where Gladion will be staying. Cynthia has left, and I am with Gladion in the room that he is staying in.

"Moon, will you stay with me tonight?" Gladion wondered

"I wish I could, but my dad would be mad at me," I responded

Now I am back home, and Dawn and Dad are yelling at each other.

"Why the heck did I fall in love with you?" Dawn shouted

"I don't know, but I hate you, Witch," Dad shouted

Suddenly Dawn slapped my Dad. I could stand there and do nothing. Out of nowhere, Poseidon came out of his Pokeball and used psychic on them.

"You two, stop fighting!" I shouted," I already had to deal with worse family this, and I deal with it anymore."

"You were happier when you were with Mom, Dad," I shouted

After that, I packed my things and headed to the professor's lab to stay with him. I arrived at the Lab. Gladion greeted me.

"I thought you headed home," Gladion said

"Yeah, I was, but my dad and Dawn were fighting," I said

Gladion suddenly hugged me. I hugged him back, and I started to cry on his right shoulder.

"It will be okay, Moon. I am here; you don't have to worry." Gladion comforted

"Thanks, Gladion." I thanked

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