Taking on the First Gym

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Moon's p.o.v

Today Hau and I are taking and the gym. It took us a while for us to get here because we did a lot of training on our way here. Hau just has Chimchar while I have Queen the Piplup, Estrella the Starly, and Leo the Shinx. We are in the Pokemon Center and for some reason the battle royal was on. The people who were in the battle royal are Gladion and Primarina in the blue, The Masked Royal also known as Kukui and Lycanron in the green, Lillie and Kanto Ninetales in the yellow, and Pulmeria and Slazzle in the red.

"Why does Gladion have a Primarina?" Hau questioned

When he asked that I face palmed because of that dumb question.

"Only you would asked that Hau." I responded

"Oh so that is who is taking care of you Pokemon." Hau realized

"Yeah we better headed to the gym Hau." I said

So Hau and I walked to the gym so we can have the battle. Hau and I decided that he would go first. Now we are inside the gym.

"Are you two challengers?" A guy with a red hard hat asked

"Yes we are." Hau and I responded

"I am Roark the gym leader here in Oreburgh." Roark said

"Which one of you is challenging me first?" Roark questioned

""I will be taking you on." Hau said

"Okay, how many Pokemon do you have?" Roark wondered

"One."Hau responded

We made it to arena. The gym leader and Hau started their battle. While Hau and Roark were battling  Hau's Chimchar evolved into a Monferno. Hau was able to win since he learnt Mach punch. Hau earned his first gym badge the coal badge.

"Now it is my turn." I said

"Good luck Moon." Hau said

So I started my battle  with the gym leader. I defeated  the gym leader with only Queen. I was so proud of her. After that I got my coal badge from Roark.

"Congratulation to the both of you and good luck on the rest of your journey." Roark said

"Thank you."Hau and I said leaving the gym

We are heading back to the Pokemon center so we can heal up our Pokemon. While we were waiting I turned on my phone to realize that Gladion had spammed me. 

Gladion: I love everything about you, except the fact that you're not with me.


Gladion: You are my definition of perfect

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Gladion: You are my definition of perfect. I love you Moon and I miss you. Good luck on you                              adventure in the Sinnoh region with Hau. <3 

Moon: I love you too Gladion. Do you want to know my favorite place?

Gladion: Is it the Sinnoh region?

Moon: Nope guess again?

Gladion: Is it in Alola?

Moon: warmer.

Gladion: Okay is it Brooklet Hill?

Moon: Colder and you have one more guess.

Gladion: I don't know

Moon: My favorite place is inside you hug

Gladion: I love you so much

Moon: I love you too. I got to go bye.

I turned my phone off and ran over to Hau. He was just chilling there waiting for our Pokemon to be healed. I sat down next to him. He doesn't seem like himself.

"Hau are okay you don't seem like your happy self?" I wondered worried

"I just don't belong here." Hau responded

"What do you mean Hau?" I asked

I look down at his phone see that he has a picture of Lillie on it.

"Hau did something happen to Lillie?" I asked

"She feel in love with someone named Sun Ketchum." Hau answered

"Wait did you say Sun Ketchum?" I questioned

"Yeah why do you asked." Hau wondered

After he said that I started to pace around getting worried. 

"No no no no this can't happen they can be together." I whispered

"Moon are you okay?" Hau questioned 

I complete ignored him. I was in one of my anxiety attacks that I would have when I Iived in Kanto. I need to calm down. Suddenly I saw all my Pokemon around. Can they tell when I am having an anxiety  attack. Suddenly I feel right on my knees and it kind of hurt. Queen, Erstella, and Leo surrounding me. Suddenly I couldn't see them anymore. All I could see was Mom, Dad,Sun, Gladion, Lillie, Lusamine, Mohn, my elite four, the trial captains,Hau, and Kukui all wearing black. I look to see what was going on to see that in was a funeral. I look at the grave stone to see that it was mine and I saw my dead body in the coffin. I was wearing a beautiful diamond engagement ring on my ring finger on my left hand.

Cliff Hanger!!!!!!!!

I hope you all are liking it because it so much fun to write. Some day this will be my longest story. I am getting closer to that I just need to write four more chapter to do that.

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