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Hau's p.o.v

"I got engaged before I died." Moon said crying

"Moon please just listen to my voice you need to get out of this. I can't lose you here or Gladion will kill me." I shouted crying

After I shouted that Estrella flew away for some reason. While she was gone I continued to hug Moon and try to talk to her.

"I love you Gladion and I don't want to leave you." Moon said still crying

I hugged her even tighter.  I am trying to get through to her. Suddenly Nurse Joy came running over to us.

"What happened here?" She asked

"Moon said she got engaged before she died." I responded

Moon's p.o.v 

I can hear Hau's voice I need to get out of this. For my friends, my family, everyone I care about. As I kept remembering all the good times I have had, I start to wake up from my nightmare. I can see everything I just can't move my body. 

"I am living not surviving." I said

"I am LIVING not SURVIVING." I repeated


I am now full awake and can move around freely. When I got up I hugged Hau. 

"Thank you Hau." I thanked

"I am happy our okay." Hau said crying

"Please don't cry Hau. I am okay now." I said

I turned on my phone to call my mom when I get a call from Lillie.

"Alola Lillie." I said

"Moon I really need to talk to you." Lillie said sounding like she was crying

"Lillie what is the matter?" I asked

"My boyfriend broke up with me just because I am Lusamine daughter." Lillie responded

"You deserve better sister." I said trying to cheer Lillie up

"Yeah I do ,but who?" Lillie questioned

 "You will find him when the time is right." I answered

"Why am I doing this?" I questioned

"Because you'll my sister in the future." Lillie answered

"Lillie you have your mother to talk to about this." I said

"Yeah I know." Lillie said

"What am I going to do with?" I questioned

"So how are you Moon?" Lillie wondered

"I am doing better now." I responded

"What do you mean better now? Did something happen to you?" Lillie wondered worried

"Yeah something did happen and I was going to call my mom about it." I responded

"What happened that you have to call your mom about?" Lillie questioned still worried

"Just something important." I replied

"Have you told Gladion about what happened?" Lillie wondered

"No I have not cause I don't want to have him worry." I answered

"Is it that important that you have to tell mom?" Lillie wondered

"Yes it is. I got to go." I said hanging up the phone

Now I am calling my mom because of my panic attack.

"Alola Moon." Mom said

"Alola Mom." I said

"Mom I have to tell you something." I said

"What is Moon?" Mom asked

"I had a anxiety attack today." I responded

"I guess that is going into the book." Mom guessed

"Yep." I said

"Have you told your boyfriend about this yet?" Mom asked

"No I have not Mom. I will tell him when it feels right." I responded

"Okay sweetheart." Mom said 

"How bad was it and what caused it so I can put it in the book?" Mom wondered

"It was cause by when I found out my brother was dating Lillie. It was as bad as I saw my own funeral and I was wearing an engagement ring. Everyone was crying. I wanted to get out of there and live my life." I responded

"Okay got it." Mom said

"If you have another one call me as soon as you can." Mom told me 

"Bye mom." I said hanging up the phone 

I am still siting down next to Hau and he has a worried look on his face.

"Moon how many of these anxiety attacks have you had?" Hau asked

"That would have been my seventeenth one." I responded

"Seventeenth one!?!" Hau shouted in concerned

"Yeah my mom has been keeping a record of them ever since I was four." I told him

"Have you had any in Alola?" Hau asked

"Yeah I have had a few in Alola." I responded," they all happened after I became champion."

"Who else know about this?" Hau wondered

"Only you and my mom." I responded

"Not your dad." Hau said

"No he left us and then they happened." I told him

"Lets stay here for the night." Hau suggested

"I agree." I added

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