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Spark's p.o.v

When I woke up I was is a room that was almost pure white and it was too bright for me.

"Am I dead?" I questioned

"No you are not Spark and it is a miracle that you are alive." A person responded

"Who are you?" I wondered

"I am one of the nurse that was taking care of you while you were out." He said

I looked at my right hand to see that I don't have my lighting scar on my hand anymore. I started to freak out since it was not there anymore.

"Mr. Ketchum please calm down." He pleaded

"What happened to my hand?" I questioned freaking out 

"You hand was like this when you arrived here in Snowpoint City hospital." He answered

"Where is my sister?" I questioned

"Your sister?" He questioned

"My little sister Moon Ketchum." I responded

"I will call all the pokemon centers and try to find her in Sinnoh." He said 

"I need to make sure she is okay." I said 

Please don't say that zapdos went to her. She is the oldest out of her and my  brother, Sun. I really hope she is okay. She has so much to live for. Moon is only fourteen years old, she should have this much responsibility on her. While I was zoned out the Nurse was tying to get my attention.

"Spark we have found your sister in Pastoria City with someone named Hau." The Nurse told me 

"Can she please come to Snowpoint?" I asked

"You can talk to herself she is on the phone." The Nurse responded

So he gave me the phone and I got to hear my sweet little sister voice.

"Hello this is Moon." Moon responded

"Moon what happen to your voice?" I wondered

"Spark is that you? Are you okay?" Moon questioned

"Moon I am fine I am just in the hospital in Snowpoint city." I responded

"What happened to you, your voice has change?" I questioned

"I have grown up Spark. I fifteen now." Moon responded

"Can you please come to Snowpoint soon?" I asked

"Spark it is going to take me a while I not that close and I am still on my adventure with my friend Hau." I answered

"Okay sis." I said hanging up the phone

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you all like it. by the way CLIFE HANGER.

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