The Note

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This will be a short chapter everyone. Here is your warning.

Gladion's p.o.v

I have not seen Moon all day today. I normal see her going to the pool with her Primarina. I decide to go to her room. I knock on her door and I didn't hear her. 

"Moon I am coming in. three, two, one." I shouted opening her door

When I walked in she was not in there. I saw something on her bed. It was a note and six pokeballs. I walk over to her bed and read the note that she left. It says,

Dear Family,
I am going to the Sinnoh region with Hau to start a new adventure. Please take care of them for me. See you all when I get back from my adventure. I love you Gladion and I will miss you and everyone else. Goodbye and have a good time without me.
Moon Ketchum

After I read the letter I started to cry. I grabbed her pokeballs and hugged them.

"I am going to miss you too Moon." I whispered 

Suddenly I hear someone coming into her room. Then I felt someone hug me from behind.

"Gladion dear are you okay?" Mother questioned

"Yeah I fine." I lied

I walked out of Moon's room and to my room. Right when I walked into my room her Primaina popped out of his pokeball. He hugged me for some reason and I hugged in back.

"I will take care you and your family the best that I can while she is gone." I promised him 

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