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Fairies and other mythical creatures are not real but there must be a reason for those stories to exist in the first place, right?

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Fairies and other mythical creatures are not real but there must be a reason for those stories to exist in the first place, right?

Sirens and mermaids for instance possibly came from a story of one sailor. There's a chance that said sailor saw a normal beautiful girl sing by the cliff and got too distracted which then led to his ship or boat crashing on a huge rock. So to not be labelled as the latest idiot, he then generate this story wherein he saw a beautiful girl who lulled him to his end. And since he was fishing back then, he decided to make the girl half-fish just for the heck of it.

Generally, humans are naive creatures therefore they believed him.

And so, the story of a half-girl half-fish circulated until it reached places the sailor could have never imagined.

Yixing stated that theory to him one rainy day while they were inside their school's private coffee shop. It was one of those days wherein he thinks his cousin was probably smoking something he shouldn't. But Yixing never smelled like weed (the guy practically smells like a candy store in all honesty) and even though he don't act and look like it, he was actually smart (he's ranked first all throughout Seoul). Even still, his theory was so bizarre that Lu Han was afraid he slipped somewhere without anyone knowing and hit his head. He then proceeded on calling him an idiot.

Looking back, he probably shouldn't have called him that.

Because, right now, Lu Han was practically experiencing Yixing's theory.

He felt like he was staring eye-to-eye with a human too magical to be called as one. He was like standing in front of a water god and was visibly smitten by his mere presence. The aquarium itself gave the illusion of fishes swimming around the unknown boy and his eyes glimmered under the blue light. He certainly looked inhuman and Lu Han was actually questioning his sanity, or if this boy was even real.

While the unknown boy quickly regained from his initial shock, Lu Han continued stand on his spot looking dazed and confused. Even when the boy gave him a polite bow and left, Lu Han was glued to his spot continuously questioning his sanity and if the thing he just saw was real.

It was only then when his phone rang loudly in his pocket that Lu Han finally regained his self back.

He scrambled and reached out for his phone, cringing upon seeing his Mother's name flash on the screen. He lost track of the time and the woman was probably flaming mad now. Receiving the call, he prepared himself for the worst.

"Where are you?" The woman hissed.

Sighing, Lu Han gave the aquarium one last glance and turned around. "I'm coming." He said and ended the call, not waiting for his mother's response. It sure will irk the woman but he could deal with that later. He just had the weirdest experience and he was still shaken up to care about his mother's nagging.

He left the room with confusion heavy on his shoulder.

He gave the door another glance and there was this unexplainable pull that makes him want to go back to make sure he hadn't been hallucinating.

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