Going Crazy

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Joonmyun is on the verge of crying and it isn't even funny

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Joonmyun is on the verge of crying and it isn't even funny. He wants to rip his hair off, scream maybe, or throw a tantrum but he couldn't because he's supposed to be the responsible child.

He's supposed to be only normal one Kim Heechul managed to raise compared to the other two: with the eldest seemingly clueless of-of-nearly everything and the youngest being someone whose mind is littered with thoughts that would make Jesus Christ faint on the spot. Therefore, he should be composed and be aware of his surrounding to accommodate his brothers lack thereof.

But by God do he want to bawl his eyes out.

To say that Minseok is frightening is an understatement. While Joonmyun and the rest are shaking in fear for what's to come once they attend school the next day, his idiot of a big brother slept soundly (Joonmyun wasn't even-at least that's what he thinks-able to shut his eyes and sleep, much alone blink with how nervous he was for tomorrow). When it was finally time to step inside the school premises, Minseok held his chin high and like he has always been, he appears to be oblivious of the looks he's getting.

Joonmyun watched with hinged jaw as his brother walked through the hallway with half-lidded sleepy eyes, completely unaware of the expensive iPhones following his every move.

(His highly unattractive yawning was definitely caught on camera.)

Sometimes he thinks that Minseok could be faking it. That he's only pretending to be oblivious just to have everyone's panty in a bunch. At least that's what he wants to think because how can someone be that fucking oblivious? But then again, he'd known Minseok since the start of time and his brother had always been like how he is: uncaring of anything unless it's his foods or cow.

To be honest though, Minseok's not his only problem.

Lately, he had been noticing how Jongdae disappears a lot on random times and God forbid, he would love to think that the bruise he accidentally saw on the younger's collarbone when his shirt riddled lower is not a hickey. He's praying that it really isn't because Kim Jongdae is going to get the worst whooping of his lifetime.

Zitao's being quite difficult too.

Like, his dad contacted Joonmyun the other day to relay a message saying that if Zitao doesn't stop his excessive spending on useless things, he have no choice but to freeze his account. Of course the younger simply scoffed at him and retorts that there's no way in hell that his dad could do that to him because he loves him so much. He then proceeded to buy the entire Gucci autumn collection from last year.

He also finds himself worrying about the on-going silent feud between Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, with the latter still absent from school since last week. Joonmyun checked his Instagram earlier and learns that the younger had been going to different high end bars every night. It worry him so because he considers Baekhyun as his son-family and what if he gets into trouble?! There is no way in hell can Joonmyun live the rest of his life properly when that happens!

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