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Children are cute

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Children are cute.

They may often times makes you wanna jump off a cliff, or ride your car then bump it into an electric post, or want to nuke yourself to death and act like they know everything and thinks that they are free to order you around, but they are still cute nonetheless.

They have this sort of demonic super powers that no matter how bratty they may be or no matter how much they make you see red, adults just couldn't get themselves to be mad at them enough to throw them to the open seas (And maybe the fear of going to jail also have something to do with it but let's not get to that.)

Bottom line is, children are cute enough to give them a pass from meeting uncle Satan earlier.

What's not cute is when a grown man (okay, maybe not that grown but still.) act like a child.

Yifan thought so as he stood behind Lu Han who had the Kims cornered in the living room, successfully backing them up on their leather sofa. He'd admit that it was quite amusing, really, but he don't know which was funnier: Lu Han's pathetic attempt of showing power (which was working. Sort of.) or the fact that he was obviously only pissed at one and the subject of his anger don't even seem to realized it. The boy merely blinked while the eldest of the Lus glared his hardest.

Lu Han was silently throwing a tantrum like a child glaring daggers to his parent's head just because they told him that he have to eat his vegetables.

(The boy did that a lot back when he was young so Yifan guess that old habits die hard.)

"So, listen up here." Lu Han finally started after probably realizing that his glaring was going nowhere. "Since you are going to live here, let me make some things straight." He stated as he he straightened his back to appear intimidating. Again, Yifan don't know if them growing up in the shitty areas, but for some reason, Lu Han affects them to the point of shaking in fear. Then again majority of the people in their school does the same.

Except of course the boy with cute kitty eyes (Yifan then decided that he'll call him that because let's admit it, he's just so freaking cute like a kitten). Either he was immune to Lu Han or his head was somewhere else.

Yifan bets his money on the latter.

"First!" The blonde raised a finger on the air and Yifan nearly cracked up when the three boys squeaked while Kitty merely blinked like he just woke up from a daydream. "You losers shall not forget who rules this house, okay? My house, my place, therefore I don't want you walking around like you own it." He said which was responded by rapid nodding of the head courtesy of the newcomers.

Yifan resisted the urge to snort.

"Second," Lu Han raised his index finger. "If you see us in school, don't approach us, don't show yourself to us, don't act like you know us, better yet, don't breath the same air as us, understood?" He questioned.

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