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If you were to ask Zitao if he's famous, he'd definitely say: "hell yeah, bitch!" and slap the amount of followers he has on social media straight to your face

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If you were to ask Zitao if he's famous, he'd definitely say: "hell yeah, bitch!" and slap the amount of followers he has on social media straight to your face.

After taking a hundred and plus selfies with his latest iPhone model—because the little shit just couldn't capture the perfection that's Huang Zitao—Tao finally chooses one among the hundred more pictures and uploaded it on his Instagram. He choose a different one for his Twitter and of course, a different more for his endless list of SNS.

(His one rule is that you should never ever, he fucking means 'ever', upload the same picture twice because only losers and wannabes do that.)

Sipping on his Starbucks Iced Classic Chai Tea Latte—which he had to wake Joonmyun up at seven in the morning on a Sunday just so he could drive him to the nearest branch—, Zitao leaned back on his flush velvet chair.

Sporting his Gucci orange track suit, the boy watched with a smirk as the number of his likes continues go up. He blatantly ignored those who are asking for him to follow back and especially those who were hating just because they live in Walmart and can't afford the shit that he wears. "I don't give a shit" is what he always says and ignore is what he do because he don't need such negativity in his life.

As the boy finished sipping his drink he opened another tab and just like what he always do at nine in the morning, he buys himself another set of collection from Gucci.

(Somewhere around the globe, Mr. Huang tripped on a stray wooden souvenir—you know, that one where a native is sitting inside a barrel and if you lift the barrel up, the wooden dude's dick springs up—as he receive a notification stating that his freaking son had maxed his credit card. Again.)

Deciding that he grazed the peasants of his presence long enough, Tao put his phone down and stretched. Almost on cue, Kandy woke up from his short nap and waddled excitedly toward the blonde boy. The pup barked and bit on Zitao's sweatpants as if telling him that it's time for his walk. And with his tail wagging like it's on drugs and his eyes looking up to Zitao in the most endearing way, who was he to deny him?

More or less, Huang Zitao was fucking whipped.

Oh, did he already mentioned that he bought Kandy a pure diamond studded earing?


Now you know.

"You wanna go, Kandy?" Zitao cooed as he raised the pup to his eye level. He made some weird kissing sound and if Jongdae was around, he'd definitely say that he's strange and he probably needed some professional help. Like Jesus or something.

Kandy barked a couple of times and licked his owner's face as a response to Zitao's question. The boy in turn grinned widely and decided, yep, his baby really need to go out and yep, he should also graze the Lu's glorious back garden of his unending equally glorious presence.

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