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It was bound to happen sooner than later and with all his realization, sooner turned out a day-or night

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It was bound to happen sooner than later and with all his realization, sooner turned out a day-or night. Whatever-after he found out the horrifying truth about his brothers and the Lus.

He had to postpone the unavoidable confrontation because Joonmyun was unexpectedly drowned in schoolwork and being the teacher pet that he is, he focused on them instead because pleasing his teachers is always first on his checklist.

But eventually it happened.

When all them schoolwork is finally done, when he is sure as hell that his teachers are pleased with his works and his scores are all shimmer and gold, Joonmyun set his plan-if you can even call it a plan lmao-and called his brothers and cousin to the Lus garden.

They just got home from school, Jongdae and Minseok are still in their school uniform wherein Zitao-being someone who brings five sets of clothing wherever he go-is already in his 'casual clothes'.

By 'casual', he meant a Gucci stripe t-shirt with wolf head, Gucci web cropped trouser, Gucci Ace high top sneakers with fur, and a Gucci round frame acetate sunglasses hanging by his shirt's collar which are all BRAND NEW because he had never seen them before: Joonmyun worriedly notes. Far as he know, Mr. Huang already froze Zitao's credit card and the boy dreads knowing where his cousin got the money to buy them.

Jongdae doesn't looked pleased; crossing his arms firmly on his chest and his eyebrows furrowed in a sense where it's basically cursing Joonmyun to drop somewhere. He seemed to be in a hurry to get to his room earlier and that itself isn't unusual the slightest but with how the younger blatantly lied to him by saying he's inside his room the other day and not in Yixing's, Joonmyun feels the suspicion demon creep on his back and whisper him about there's more to Jongdae's haste to get into his chamber than how the world-or he-sees it. Minseok looks disinterested as usual, quietly cooing and cuddling Chen who ran all the way downstairs upon hearing their arrival.

(To how he got out of Jongdae's room? Even that, Joonmyun dreads on knowing.

But he should. If he wants his father to stay sane, even though everyone knows he really isn't anymore, he should and he must.)

"Okay!" the boy starts with a nervous exhale. "I'm pretty sure you are all wondering what this is all about."

"Not really." then came Minseok's quick bored response which made Joonmyun's eye twitch.

"As I was saying, Kim Minseok, I called you three here for a reason." He says and puts an emphasis to his older brother's name. Minseok, if he noticed the annoyance in Joonmyun's words he didn't show it, instead he simply shrugs and let Chen fall off his lap and run to where Kandy is sitting. Zitao at this point had merely yawned while the annoyed expression on Jongdae's face is still present.

"Okay, first of all I don't really know where I'm going with this and I thought of approaching Kyungsoo first just to ask him if it is necessary or if I really should do this-" then he halts and takes a deep breath. "But anyway, I realized that I should."

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