a scenario thatll slowly lead to a party

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hi i stole this idea from stabilityIsAJoke lmao i love you babe 💙


it was a saturday. aries woke up at 1:30 pm, in the same clothes they wore the previous day, as per usual. they sat up, stretching whilst making a baby dinosaur noise. something stirred next to them in the bed. aries looked over, expecting to see their dog, but instead found aquarius.

"what the fuck dude," aries sighed, getting out of bed and stretching again.

"nice ass."

aries spun around quickly, glaring at aquarius as he smirked at them.

"don't make me come over there and backhand you," the smaller male threatened, holding up their right hand. "i have rings and im not afraid to move them around and hit you." "you know you love me," aquarius cooed, winking at aries. they rolled their eyes. "i don't have time for this," they exclaimed tiredly, throwing their arms in the air and walking out of the room.

"oh come on babe it was a joke!" "fuck you!" "i wouldn't be opposed to that."

aries stopped in their tracks, a blush crossing their face. they could sense the smirk in aquarius' voice.

"no breakfast for you." "aw c'mon!"

aries trudged into the kitchen, remembering that they left their glasses on the bedside table. sighing, they yelled at aquarius, "oi, fuckass, bring me my glasses on your way down here." "why should i?" aquarius retorted. "because if you don't i'll kick you out," they smirked, knowing that they won as they heard movement upstairs.

aries started making pancakes as aquarius walked into the kitchen, setting his boyfriend's glasses on the counter and sitting down at the island. "you're so mean to me," he pouted, looking longingly at aries and the pancakes the blue eyed male was making. they turned around, grabbing their glasses before turning back to the stove. "thanks babe." "fuck you."

aries chuckled, flipping a pancake. "care to explain how you got in my house and ended up in my bed?" aquarius smiled. "i stole your spare key." aries sighed dramatically, stomping their foot as they did so. "i trusted you." "not the smartest choice."

the pancakes were done. aries turned the stove off, using the spatula to put two pancakes onto a plate. aquarius looked at the pancakes before looking at aries. an idea popped into his head as he moved to the cabinet where the syrup was.

"you can't eat your pancakes if you don't have syrup," he smirked, holding up the syrup bottle mockingly. "it's whatever really, i usually eat pancakes plain anyways." "DAMN YOU." aries winked at aquarius before picking up a pancake with their hand, rolling it up, and eating it like a churro.

"im so disappointed in you." "thanks babe. can you get the nutella out of the cabinet?" "why should i?" "i'll give you the other pancake." "DEAL."

the taller male immediately moved to get his boyfriend's nutella. aries got a spoon, scooped up some of the stuff, put it on the counter, and ran their pancake through it.

"are you crazy?" "probably."

aries winked behind their wire glasses, throwing the other pancake at aquarius' face.

"fuck you." "gladly." "maybe later?" "there is no maybe." "right."

the two smirked at each other, aquarius winking and aries rolling their eyes. blue eyes met brown ones as aries finished their pancake, leaning down to lick the nutella off the counter.

"you torture me." "all in a days work."

aquarius was about to respond when aries' phone went off.

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