signs as things ive heard band members say before, during, and after parades

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aries: FUCK IT'S FREEZING (trombone)

taurus: im ready to go home and eat (saxophone)

gemini: let's all huddle together and be penguins (guard member)

cancer: i wish i wasn't here (sousaphone)

leo: *screams* (flute)

virgo: you seriously put scotch tape on your instrument what the fuck is wrong with you (french horn)

libra: i was gonna put lights on my instrument but they got tangled together so i had to cut the fucking wire (trumpet)

scorpio: sorry for hitting you in the head (trombone)

sagittarius: this was an orgy but then you showed up (trombone)

capricorn: FUCK i just hit someone in the baCK (trombone)

aquarius: do you guys wanna go to ihop after this (drum major)

pisces: the battery fucked up the battery fucked up the battery fucked up (euphonium)

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