New Town, New School...

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Jungkook had to move to a new town since his parents always liked the area, once a house was for sale they would watch it like a hawk unless they despised the house. They had finally found one that had caught their eye. Which was great for them except Jungkook, he was starting university in the area but had always worried. Mostly about new people, new surroundings. Oh and also the fact that he would have to have a dorm, the one reason he did not want his parents to move house as they moved further away which ment it was to far to travel. His worst nightmare.

Jungkook was sitting in the back seat of his parents car, next to two boxes which consisted of all his things. He was wearing his most prized possession, headphones. Only because he wanted to drown the sound of classical music coming from the car stereo. "I wonder how big your dorm will be" Jungkooks mother said excited for her son even more than he was. "I told you to not wear those things" His father said managing to pull them off, still with grip on the wheel.

It had been ten or more minutes since Jungkook was forced to take off his headphones. And in that time he was forced to listen to the classical music while talking to his mother. "Ohh here we are! Do you want us to help carry your things?" His mom said gazing out the window with joy. "No mom I'll... I'll be fine" His voice quiet and unsure. They pulled up into a parking space and watched other new students walk excitedly to the main hall. A loud sigh came from the back seat of the car from Jungkook who was nervous yet happy to start his future. He opened the car door and pulled the boxes closer so that he could pick them up. After picking up the boxes he kicked the door closed and stood watching everything.

His parents had drove away and promised to phone later on. "Hey there, need a hand?" The Voice made Jungkook jump. He turned to face a boy about the same age who was smiling so huge that you could just about see his cheeks. "Oh..ugh..No thanks, I'm okay" Jungkook says in a quiet tone letting his shyness take over. "I'll walk with you, we're going to the same place anyway", the boy says glancing behind at his suitcase, "oh I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Jhope" he says offering his hand for a hand shake. Jungkook carefully shakes it balancing the boxes on one hand. "Jeon jungkook, but you can just call me Jungkook"

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