Why Don't You Just Leave Me!

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4 hours later the dorm door opened and V walked in closing the door blocking the moon light. "Tae!" Jin shouts as he walks up to him "Where did you go? You left Jungkook" he stands with his arms crossed. "I went out..... Jungkook can walk by himself anyway" V says throwing his bag on the floor. "He got held behind...and had to clean the English room" Jin says looking worried "he hasn't eaten yet and looks upset" Jin walls to the door. "By the way his angry at you, oh and don't bother talking to him cause he'll probably shout.....me and the others are going to the café to get a drink come if you want".

V stood alone for a little while thinking about what he should do. He walked up to Jungkooks door and knocked "Go away" a quiet voice says. V ignores it and opens the door to see Jungkook standing and looking at him. "Look I'm sorry I didn't know he would make you stay behind" V says trying his best. "Just leave me alone, I don't care if you know we or not". "I'm trying to make an effort, at least let me talk to you" v shouts back. "Why don't you go talk to your Girlfriend!" A tear fell down his face. "Is that what this is about, the girl?" V says in a hushed Voice. Jungkook goes red with embarrassment "..n..no.." he manages to say. "It is isn't it........you like me?" V asks with a slight blush. "No?!" Jungkook shouts "you do don't you..." V says stepping closer.

Jungkook could feel V's warm breath on his skin. He reached out and tried to push V's chest. "Move" Jungkook tries his hardest to push him. "Why because you scared that I don't love you?" V says gulping Jungkook turned to face the other way. V cupped Jungkooks chin and moved it so that he was facing him. "You know I thought that I was stupid, because..." He presses his lips to Jungkooks and pulls away to finish his sentence "I love you".

Jungkook stood froze in shock. V scratches the back of his neck and turns to walk out. "I...I love you too" Jungkook Whisper's.

In the café the boys were all drinking hot drinks to help relax after their first day. Jin looks at the door as it opens to reveal Jungkook and V who walk inside. He smiles as they take a seat. "Want a drink?"

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