CONCERT memories 💕

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There was only one word to describe the concert and that was Wild. Screams, shouts and even crying were filling up the hall. The band's hadn't even come out yet. "Woohoo" Jhope shouts as loud as possible. "Shut up man, I'm gonna to get a headache" Suga says, he was actually excited to see what it was like to see where he wished he would stand. "Smile" Jimin says poking suga's cheek. "I can't wait for it to start" Jin says smiling at the colourful stage.

Songs one after the other never ending happiness and cheers. "I like this!!" A person in front shouts. The boys stood jumping up and down with the beat while singing along. Surprisingly even Suga, seems like his headache had gone. Band after Band, song after song the whole room was full of life. It was alive. The closer you were to the front the more you could tell they the bands and singers loved it, so many smiles and much more appreciation.

Once the next song Finished a man walked on causing amazing silence. "Were just going to have a small break so feel free to get some refreshments and and relax, thank you" he walked off and the noise grew louder. Rapmonster turned to the others hopeing that they were enjoying themselves, they loved it. "I've been thinking about that project thing for music where we have to write and sing a song" Suga says looking in their directions "I wrote this so far" he pulls out a piece of paper and Jimin takes it and reads it. "Let's try it Jin says smiling, showing that he cared. They started to sing their parts quietly:

The surrounding people went silent to listen to the song, amazed they tapped others to listen. Soon the whole area was listening. Once they finished people clapped and cheered some even shouted that they should perform, others said that they had filmed it and will post it online so they get noticed. After all the applauding the next band came on taking away the attention. "Wow" The only word that Jin could say at the moment. "Selfie!" V shouts holding out his phone "we shall remember this day" he says as the photo was took.

The music died down and fans had started to leave, after all it was very late. "Best day ever!" Jhope says smiling As he stands up to leave with the others. Before Jungkook stood V gently kissed him "I love you, you know that" he says as he stands. Jungkook smiles and stands taking his hand in V's. They start to walk behind the others "I know Tae Tae, I love you too"....

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