Ch 2. Memories of the Past

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"Ughhh." Leonardo cried out as he attempted once again to light the pilot light of the stove. "I'm telling you Mikey, your appliances hate me!" He stood up and wiped dirt off his face.

Mikey and Donnie held back a giggle. "You're just doing it wrong bro." Mikey took the lighter from Leo and bent down to light the stove.

"What I don't get is how you not only manage to blow the pilot light out, but how you managed to get dirty doing it?" Donnie questioned. "After all, the stove is pretty clean underneath?" Donnie leaned against the wall and shook his head, doing his best not too laugh. "What are you trying to do anyway?"

"Raph is studying really hard for this test coming up tomorrow." Leo explained. "I want to make him some dinner."

"What are you trying to make him?" Mikey asked, sounding nervous. "Maybe I can help."

Leo held up a can of soup and a loaf of bread. "Just some soup and sandwiches." He answered.

Mikey stared at him in disbelief. "Well, at least their easy to make and you won't be sending him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped like you did last time you made him supper." He muttered. He walked over to the refrigerator and rummaged around.

"That was an accident." Leo protested. "And how was I suppose to know that wasn't salad dressing?"

Again, Donnie had to stifle his laughter. "Because I have all my ingredients in the left side of the pantry and the container said turpentine." Mikey answered as he grabbed the can of soup and bread from Leo and put them to the side. "Dude, if you want Raph to have a decent meal, then let me make it."

"The label fell off the container Mikey." Leo told him. He huffed and sat down at the table. "I guess it's safe to say Raph isn't marrying me because I'm a good cook."

Upon hearing that, Donnie suddenly grabbed his stomach and doubled over. He turned his shell to the others and laughed hard against the wall. "Leo bro." He said wiping his eyes and taking deep breaths. "You can't cook at all!"

"Yeah Leo." Mikey said, between laughter. "Your better off staying out of the kitchen after you and Raph get married. Especially if you want Raph to live long enough to see your first anniversary."

"One time and I'm dealing with it for the rest of my life." Leo glared at the two of them before giving a light chuckle."Yeah, I guess your right." He admitted. "Does Raph cook? I don't think I've ever seen him in the kitchen other then to eat."

Mikey and Donnie exchanged looks and smiled. "He can cook but prefers not to." Donnie answered. "Says it's too much work."

"Besides." Mikey smiled at Leo as he sprinkled seasonings into a pot filled with water. "Why bother cooking when you got me."

Leo looked at him and smiled. "That's nice of you Mike but we're not going to be here after we're married." Leo told them. "I would like to look for an apartment or a house sometime after we get back from our honeymoon."

Mikey's face fell."Gee Leo." He said softly. "I never thought about that." He looked at him with sad eyes. "I always thought you two would stay here."

Donnie and Leo looked at Mikey tenderly. "Mikey," Donnie walked over to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "If you ever propose to Renet, would you expect to still live here?"

Mikey thought for a moment. "No." He answered slowly as reality set in. "I guess I wouldn't." He finished making the meal in silence and thirty minutes later, handed Leo two plates with shrimp scampi on a tray. He finished it off by putting a small flower in a vase and looked at Leo with sad eyes.

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