Ch 10. The Past Comes Back...Again.

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Donnie made his way to the living room with popcorn and soda. He dimmed the lights and smiled at Angel who was currently putting a movie in the DVD player. "I've been wanting to see this movie for a long time." He said, sitting on the couch while putting the snacks on the coffee table.

"I can't believe you've never seen 'Good Will Hunting'?" She told him, standing up. "It's a really good film."

"I don't usually watch films." He told her, feeling rather embarrassed.

"Didn't you go to movies when you were a kid?"

"Not really." Don said. "My brothers tried to get me to go, and I did sometimes, but I was usually busy studying." He explained. "How else would I have my Doctorate and PHD by the age of eighteen and be able to have the job I have if I didn't."

"Well Doctor Don." Angel teased before looking at him with a determined look. "That is about to change." She picked up the remote and smiled at him. "So where is everyone?" She asked.

"Leo went to pick up Raph and then he's going to take him out to eat, just hope he can keep it down." Donnie told her. "He's been feeling rather sick lately." He shook his head as that small twinge of fear over what the issue could be came back to him, but so far Dr. Rockwell had found nothing in the last blood sample. "Mikey and Renet are at her place having a cook out with her family and Sensei is at a karate convention and isn't expected back til later today" He said.

"So we're all alone." She snuggled closer to his side.

Donnie widen his eyes as Angel pushed the play button. She looked at Donnie rather seductively. "There are some sad scenes in the movie and I'll probably need to be held very…very…tightly." She purred in his ear.

Donnie laughed nervously and watched the opening scene with anticipation. They had just started cuddling when Don's pocket started to vibrate.

Don sighed and looked at her feeling rather embarrassed. "It's my t-phone." He explained.

"Just ignore it." Angel urged as she nuzzled Don's neck. She brought his lips down on hers and they began to make out. But the continuous vibration in Don's pocket was distracting him so he pulled away from Angel and took the phone out of his pocket.

"Let me just see who it is." He told her. Angel settled back with an annoyed huff and paused the movie. He looked at the number and Angel saw a look of worry in his eyes. "It's the hospital." He told her. She leaned forward in concern as he answered.

"This is Donatello Hamato." He said.

"Donnie, it's Raph."

"It's Raph." He told Angel. "What's up Raph?"

"Is Leo there?" He asked. "He was suppose to pick me up an hour ago and he has yet to arrive."

Donnie furrowed his forehead. "No Raph." He told him. "He left a long time ago. Have you tried to call his cell"

"More then once." Raph said . Donnie could hear the exasperation in his voice. "Can you come get me Don?" Raph asked. "I'm starting to get worried."

Don and Angel drove in Angel's car to the hospital and found Raph waiting on the curb in a wheelchair with a very agitated Nurse Watkins. With a hasty goodbye, Raph quickly climbed into the car and once again dialed Leo's phone. "Still nothing." He muttered. "Any idea where he was going before he was suppose to come and get me?"

"Said he was going to visit his mom." Donnie said as he put the car in gear. They drove to the cemetery and took a quick look around the area.

"Nothing." Raph said. He had called Leo's cell once again, but there was still no answer and he was starting to get anxious. His arm hurt and his head was pounding hard with a headache. "Where the hell could he be?" Raph banged his fist on the car.

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