Ch 11. Playing the Game.

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"Raph!" Casey ran into the Hamato house looking excited. "We've found your SUV."

"SO!" Raph yelled. "I don't care about the car!" He looked at him like he had two heads. "I care about finding Leo!"

"The car being found brings us one step closer to finding Leo." Casey insisted.

"What do you mean Casey?" Donnie asked as he and the rest of the Hamatos came out into the living room.

"You better sit down for this." Casey advised. "Detectives Slash and Spike found the car about five miles outside the city." He told them.

"They put detectives on the case for a missing car?" Donnie asked, looking confused.

"It's been twenty-four hours since Leo went missing so I already put in for a missing person report. And Slash and Spike remember Leo from when they investigated his aunt's murder." Casey explained. "When they heard he was missing, they took sometime yesterday while they were off from work and looked into finding your car thinking it would lead them to Leo."

"Okay then enough about the car Casey." Raph said, leaning forward on the couch. "How's that gonna help us find Leo?"

"Well, the car was found by a sheriff who had it towed to the nearest impound. The Detectives went over there and checked it out." Casey took a deep breath and looked at Raph with concern eyes. "They found blood on the passenger seat, along with Leo's cell phone which was all smashed up."

"Blood?" Mikey questioned. Everyone looked at each other with horrified faces before looking back at Casey, hoping for some sort of reassurance that he knew Leo was okay.

Casey looked at his friends nervously. "There wasn't a lot of blood but they did confirm it was Leo's and that got them thinking that maybe Leo was knocked unconscious and his attacker drove your car to that spot where he had another car waiting for him."

"Yeah, and?" Raph demanded.

"And, they checked the steering wheel for finger prints and found a match through their data base."

"So whose fingerprints are they?" Donnie asked, also leaning forward on the couch.

"Some guy named Jeffrey Moore." Casey told them triumphantly. "Any idea who he is?"

"Yeah." Raph said, an angry scowl on his face. "It's Leo's ex."

"Okay." Casey stood up and took out his cell phone. "We now know who has Leo." He said while dialing a number. "Now we just need to try and figure out where he would've taken him."

"The sooner the better too Case." Raph began pacing. "After all this time, who knows what that maniac could be doing to him."


Leo vomited into the toilet for the third time that day. He took deep breaths and held onto the toilet's rim as he tried to steady himself. He got up shakily and slowly made his way over to the sink and once again, rinsed his mouth and washed his face in an attempt to cool himself down. It was rather difficult with the shackles still on him but at least Jeffrey had placed the shackles to the front of him, loosely enough so he could move his wrist without chaffing them and he was no longer chained to the wall. After he was done at the sink, he made his way back to the mattress and laid down on his shell exhausted. He weakly stared up at the light through the door. 'Need to think of a way outta here.' Leo thought as he rubbed his hot and tired face. He looked at his hands and sighed; the ring Raph had given him was gone, taken by Jeffrey while he had been unconscious. He once again struggled to get his hands free of the shackles but to no avail.

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