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Mikey sat on the couch in front of the TV attempting to watch one of his favorite cartoons, but the constant pacing of his brother was a growing disturbance for him, especially since Donnie continued to mumble incoherently to himself.

"Dude!" Mikey stood up and walked over to him. "What is with you D? You're all over the place."

"Huh?" Donnie looked up at him and gave him a grim smile. "Oh, sorry Mikey." He walked over to the couch and sat down feeling somewhat exhausted. It had been two days since he spoke with Rockwell regarding the information that was discovered and he had not slept since. He looked at his phone for the hundredth time that day and then looked toward the front door nervously.

"What's going on Donnie?" Mikey sat next to him and looked at him questioningly. "Are you worried about Raph and Leo?" He leaned toward him and looked at him intently. "You got those ninja vibes going telling you something's up?"

Donnie pushed Mikey's face away from him. "Nothing like that Mikey."

"Well, why you acting so weird bra?"

Donnie looked at Mikey with apologetic eyes. "Sorry Mikey, I can't talk to you about it yet." He leaned himself against the couch and sighed deeply looking at his phone once again before putting it back into his pocket.

"Wait, does this have to do with Leo and why he's been getting sick lately?" Mikey's eyes widen as an idea suddenly struck him. "Does it have to do with his blood test and that drug his father injected into him last year." Mikey stood up and started pacing himself, his hands clenched into fist and tucked up under his chin.

"Wha? How did you?." Donnie sputtered before composing himself. "It's nothing like that Mikey." Donnie insisted, trying to calm his little brother down. At this point, Splinter walked out of the dojo and watched curiously as Mikey began to get antsy and erratic while incoherently ranting about Leo.

"Is something wrong with Michelangelo?" The tall brown rat walked over to his easy chair and sat down. He looked at Donnie in confusion as he sat on the couch looking rather miffed at his little brother.

"No Sensei. Mikey is just overreacting as usu…"

"Leo's dying!" Mikey suddenly yelled out causing his Sensei to startle and lean away from him when he fell on his knees in front of him in tears.

"No he's not!" Donnie responded harshly. He gave Mike an angry look and was about to continue to admonish his younger sibling when the sound of a motorcycle coming up the driveway took his attention away from his over dramatic brother. He got up and ran toward the window. Seeing it was his brothers, he pulled out his phone and walked into the kitchen to make a call.

Leo and Raph walked into the house smiling and laughing while talking about their trip. They were just about to greet the others when Mikey came running over to Leo, threw his arms around him and began to sob.

"OH LEO!" He cried out. "I'm so sorry bro!" Leo and Raph looked at him in bewilderment as he sobbed into Leo's shoulder.

"What is going on?" Raph demanded as Leo attempted to pry Mikey off him.

Splinter chuckled lightly and walked over to his sons. "Michelangelo…compose yourself my son." He assisted in getting Mikey off Leo and then gave them hugs. "Welcome back my sons." He warmly greeted them. "How was your trip?"

"It was wonderful, thank you Sensei." Leo smiled back at him. "We took lots of pictures we want to share with you and brought some gifts too." He continued as he stared at Mikey in concern. "What's up with Mikey."

"Nothing is up with Mikey." Donnie said walking out of the kitchen and giving his brothers hugs. "Welcome back guys." He greeted them, then looked at Leo intently. "Um..but Leo, I do need to speak with you."

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