Ch 21. A Test Subject

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"I feel like I swallowed a beach ball." Leo groused as he and Raph sat in Rockwell's waiting room. Rockwell had just finished his exam and now they were waiting for the results of Leo's new blood test. Raph watched rather amused as Leo continued to rub his rounded belly. "I never realized how quickly my stomach grew."

"Yeah." Raph chuckled. "It seems like one minute you were slim and then next…boom." He brought his hands out as though he was demonstrating an explosion

"Thanks for that Raph." Leo said dryly."

"That's because the eggs have turned and are ready to be birthed." Dr. Rockwell told them. "You could be laying them at anytime."

"Well I do feel like I need to start digging a hole." Leo quipped.

Raph's eyes widen at the image but he quickly pushed it away. "When do you think it will happen?"

"Hard to say." Rockwell said. He brought out a chart and scanned it quickly. "Only Leonardo will know when his body tells him."

"Are those my blood test results?" Leo asked watching as Rockwell frowned at the information.

"Yes Leonardo." He looked at him with concern. "And I am sorry to say, it isn't looking good." He watched as Raph gave Leo's hand a gentle squeeze when Leo's face fell. "The deterioration of your DNA has progressed rapidly." He explained. "I suggest we look into hospitalizing you in case the eggs become effected by what's happening."

"Why?" Leo looked up at him and his face clouded over with anger at the thought of having to be in the hospital. "I feel fine and would prefer to wait till I absolutely have to."

"We may need to induce labor if things get worse." He advised, picking up the phone. "I would prefer not to do that since it could put the embryos in shock before they are fully developed, but at least if you were in the hospital, we can monitor you there easier and if something does happen, we'll be able to deal with it fast."

Raph looked at Leo and saw he was shaking and attempting to push back tears forming in his eyes. He could sense the fear welling up inside his mate and he squeezed his hand harder.

"This is for our babies Leo…and for you." Raph pleaded with him. "If it's for the best, then maybe we should take you to the hospital and get you prepared." Leo looked into Raph's eyes and felt his heart ache when he saw the fear welling up in his mate's eyes that were also brimming with tears. "Who knows." He continued with a teary smile, trying to cheer Leo up. "By the end of this week, there may be three little turtle eggs sunning themselves by our window sill."

Leo sniffed and gave Raph a teary smile in return. He nodded and took a steely breath and turned back to Rockwell. "Okay, when should I be checked in?" He was trying so hard to fight the fear that he was certain was showing.

"I suggest you go home, get some things and I'll make the arrangements for you to be admitted to the hospital this afternoon. That will give you time to speak with your family and let them know what's going on."

"Everything's going to be okay Leo." Raph said as he watched Leo's face scrunch up with fear and tears began falling from his eyes. He brought Leo into a hug and soothe him as Leo tried to push down the sobs that threatened to erupt from his throat . "Everything will be okay."

Several minutes later, hand in hand, Leo and Raph walked out the TCRI building and toward the parking lot. Leo seemed to be in a daze as Raph led him toward the truck. They walked slow since Leo had a hard time walking due to the awkwardness of his body but also because both their minds were reeling with the idea of what was going on. They reached the truck and Raph turned to Leo. "I've spoken with Donnie, told him we needed to talk to everyone, so he'll be leaving in just a few minutes, he wanted to call Mikey and have him come home." Leo nodded but said nothing. He slowly walked around the truck as Raph climbed into the driver side.

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