Ch 8. Nightmares Are Real.

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Leo leaned his fevered head against the the rim of the toilet bowl and took deep steadying breaths. He had awoken feeling rather nauseated and shortly after, found himself vomiting into the toilet. He moaned tiredly as he attempted to stand up. 'At least Raph's already at work.' He told himself as he made his way toward the sink.

"Leo?" Leo looked up to see Mikey standing in the frame of the door. "Are you okay bro?" He looked concerned.

"I'm fine Mike." Leo told him. "I think I ate something at the amusement park yesterday that just didn't agree with me." He smiled weakly at him and turned back toward the sink. He let the water run for a few seconds getting it to a slightly warm temperature. He then rinsed his mouth and splashed his face. He turned back to Mikey after he dried his face. "See, I'm okay now." He smiled and started toward the door when Donnie appeared.

"Maybe we should contact Dr. Rockwell Leo." He suggested.

"No Donnie." Leo told him defiantly. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

"Leo." Donnie began. He placed his hand on his shoulder. "It could be something more."

"Donnie, I apprecia…."

"Bros, as nice as this is, I really, really, really need to use the bathroom." Mikey said, his voice filled with urgency.

Don and Leo stepped out of the bathroom and allowed Mikey to go in. "Listen to me Leo." Don implored. "For all you know there maybe something going on with the drug Saki injected you with."

"I've already seen Dr. Rockwell last month and nothing showed up Don." Leo reminded him. "I've got another appointment with him next month anyway so let's just drop it."

"But Leo…."

"Donnie." Leo turned to him, his eyes pleading but his face stern. "Please….I'm okay."

Donnie sighed in defeat and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and got himself a cup of coffee, he then grabbed his newspaper and sat down to eat. A few moments later, Leo walked in behind him and went to the refrigerator. He stared inside for a few seconds before deciding breakfast was not going to be a part of his morning agenda. He grabbed the apple juice and shut the door. A few minutes later, he sat across from Donnie and drank, very slowly, a tall glass of the cold liquid.

Donnie looked up from his newspaper. "I'm not going to let this go Leo." He told him.

"Okay Donnie." Leo looked up at him from his section of the newspaper. "Can we just let it go for now if I promise to see Dr. Rockwell when I get back from my honeymoon?" Leo folded his hands and brought them up and put them beneath his chin, shaking them back and forth as he pleaded with Donnie. "Please, just for now, I'm just begging you to let it go and please don't tell Raph." He added. "Now with his new job he doesn't need the added stress."

'I don't know Leo, that's over two weeks away." He stared at him with apprehension in his eyes. "What if it gets worse?"

"Right now I'm just a little nauseated Don." Leo told him. "For all we know it could be all that fried food Raph made me eat yesterday." Leo put his hand on his stomach. "You can't tell me you feel okay after all that junk we ate?"

Donnie shrugged. "We've been going to Coney Island for the Fourth of July for fourteen years now. I'm kinda use to it." He said smiling.

Leo sighed. "Look Don, Dr. Rockwell has my blood test from last month and if anything shows up, you know he'll let us know right away." Donnie looked at Leo and nodded reluctantly. Leo could see the worry in his eyes and smiled at him. "Donnie, if it makes you feel better, I promise that if it get's worse, then I'll let Dr. Rockwell see me sooner, but for now, can we just please let this go till after my honeymoon?"

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