Ch 18. Say What?!

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Splinter sat at the kitchen table slowly sipping his tea and reading the newspaper while Mikey busied himself preparing dinner. He had just put six pork chops in the oven when a loud crash coming from the living room reached their ears. Surprised by the noise, they looked at each other in concern and quickly ran out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Splinter came out first and stopped short at the sight of an overturn coffee table and Raphael being picked up by Donatello and Doctor Rockwell from off the floor and being laid on the couch. Mikey quickly walked around him and gasped when he saw his brother unconscious and being fanned by Leonardo with one of his comics.

"Dudes!" Mikey ran over to them. "What happened?"

"Raph passed out." Donnie explained as he lightly tapped his brother's face. "Come on Raph wake up." He urged.

"Oh this is just great!" Leo groused sitting in Splinter's easy chair and putting the comic on the end table. He let out a low groan, wiped his face with his hands and leaned forward heavily, putting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands shaking it back and forth.

"May I ask what is going here?" Splinter sharply inquired. "Why did Raphael faint? Is everything alright?" He looked from one mutant to the other expecting an answer.

Donnie looked at Leo before looking at Splinter. "Well...uh…Sensei, the thing is...uh...Leo…is…uh"

"I'll tell him Don." Leo interrupted. He stood up and walked over to Splinter. "It looks like I'm gonna need to get use to saying this anyways." He grumbled. He stood in front of Splinter and took a huge deep breath. Splinter looked at him curiously as Leo stuck his hand out and began shaking Splinter's paw. "Congratulations Master Splinter." He told him with a shaky tone. "You are going to be a grandfather."

Splinter's eyes widen in shock. He was just about to say something when Mikey suddenly gave out a loud joyous yell.

"Ah sweet Sensei!" He whooped. "So which of your daughters is pregnant?" He looked from one brother to the other and his face suddenly clouded over with confusion. "Wait. Master Splinter doesn't have any daughters." He mused. He tapped his chin and creased his forehead as he thought hard. "And as far as I know we don't have any sisters." He looked at Splinter who was still looking at Leo in shock. "And I know Renet isn't…." Mikey looked to Donnie anxiously. "Angel?!" He almost shouted, bouncing around with excitement.

"It's not Angel." Leo told him turning away from Splinter. "It's me."

Mikey stared at Leo for several moments then suddenly doubled over and laughed hard. "Good one Leo." He said in between breaths. "But you're a little late for April Fool's Day." When everyone continued to glare at him with a hard serious expression, Mikey slowly began to calm, his eyes searched everyone's face and slowly they widen in astonishment. "Wait…Leo…you're…?"

"Yes!" Leo almost shouted at him.

"But I thought you were a dude!" Mikey exclaimed.

"I AM A DUDE!" Leo screamed making everyone flinch.

He stared angrily at Mikey who continued to stare at him in shock. His mouth slowly began to move and his eyes darted from one person to another. "But how…you're a...a…it can't….can't be…."Mikey's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of his head and everyone watched as he fell backward onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh for goodness' sake"Leo shook his head and sat back down with an annoyed huff.

"Would someone please explain what is going on here!" Splinter demanded as he made his way to Mikey and propped him up.

"I'm gonna be a daddy." Raph was now sitting up and had heard Leo telling his Sensei and brother what they had just been told. "I don't believe it." Raph looked around. "I'm not even twenty yet and I'm gonna be a daddy." Raph suddenly leaned forward and began breathing hard and fast.

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