Ch 16.Wedding Bells, Honeymoon and.....WTF?

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The next day as promised, Leo saw the family doctor and, after having his injuries taken care of and a new wrap on his arm, was told to go home and stay in bed for the rest of the day. But when they got home, Leo went straight to the basement to get their suitcases so he could start packing for their honeymoon.

Raph watched in bewilderment as Leo came upstairs with one of their suitcases. "What the hell are you doing Leo?" He demanded.

"Packing for our honeymoon." He placed the bag by the kitchen entryway. "We leave for the farmhouse tomorrow early morning, when else are we going to have time to do this?"

"Leo, the doc says you're suppose to be resting."

"I'll rest after I'm done packing." Leo promised. He was about to go back down to the basement to get the other suitcase when Raph stopped him.

"You're going to rest now Leo." He told him. "I'll get the suitcases and we'll pack tomorrow before we leave." He blocked his way and the two faced each other down, each daring the other to defy the other one.

Leo finally sighed in defeat and turned away from Raph. "You win Raph." Leo told him. He started walking away and appeared to be going toward the kitchen to go back up stairs. Raph narrowed his eyes and watched Leo. He slowly moved away from the door and began to make his way over to the couch to continue watching his wrestling show when out of the corner of his eye he saw Leo suddenly turn quickly and run back to the basement door. Leo was just about to open it when Raph jumped over the couch and snaked his arm around Leo's middle.

"Damn stubborn turtle." Raph said as he threw Leo over his shoulder. "Nice try Leo but the doctor prescribed bed rest and I'm gonna see you follow through."

"Raphael you big bully, you put me down this instant!" Leo cried out. At that moment; Mikey and Donnie walked into the house and stared in shock at Raph holding Leo over his shoulder while Leo squirmed and punched his shell with his left hand. "Guys! Help!" Leo called out when he saw them. "Don't leave me alone with this brute."

They exchanged puzzle looks as Raph walked past them, muttering to himself with grim determination on his face, toward the kitchen, and eventually made his way up the stairs. The two turtles looked up at the ceiling as they heard heavy footsteps walk along the floor, the sound of Leo demanding to be let go and the sound of a door closing with a bang causing both turtles to flinch.

Mikey shook his head when Donnie turned to him with a raised eye ridge. "Huh, lovers, whatcha gonna do?" He shrugged and walked over to the TV and changed the channel.

Raph had Leo on the bed and his arms wrapped around him. "Stay and rest with me Leo." He told him as they snuggled together. "I've missed this."

Leo succumbed to Raph's strength and happily nuzzled his beak into Raph's neck. "Me too." He whispered. They laid like that for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening when they were awoken by Mikey calling for them to come and eat dinner.


On Friday, the two turtles awoke early and, as promised, Raph assisted Leo in getting their bags packed, which Leo was grateful for as he once again found himself leaning over the toilet vomiting before Raph had awoken. Eventually, they came downstairs and found the rest of the family enjoying breakfast. An hour later Raph and Leo packed the little trailer that was hooked to Raph's motorcycle, and he and Leo drove off toward the farmhouse while Splinter, Donnie and Mikey climbed into the SUV and, after picking up Renet, followed close behind. Upon arriving, they were immediately greeted by April, Casey, Angel, their father Arnold Jones, and O'Neil.

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