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Thursday Afternoon

"Wassup Ma?" A man called out as Egypt made her way up the stairs that lead to her designated building. Trying her best to ignore the guy, She hiked her school bag up on her shoulder and kept walking. "You light skinned bitches kill me, you to good to speak huh?" He mocked eyeing her up and down as she slipped her key in the door.

Turning her face up at the fact that he had just called her a bitch, Egypt rolled her eyes and continued into the building. She knew by now the elevators werent working so she braced herself for the eleven flights of stairs up. There probably wasnt atleast one wall that wasnt marked with graffiti or gang tags as she made her way up to her own floor.

Although Egypt was beyond tired she was nothing but use to it and couldnt wait to escape the pissy wet dog smell. Once on her floor Egypt could have sworn she heard two people fucking on the floor above her. "Nasty ass niggas couldnt even keep that shit in the own crib." She mumbled underneath her breath in disgust.

"Candy im home!" She shouted locking up the front door and tossing her bag on the dinner table. The shit was probably the most decent thing in there. Egypts apartment wasnt persay bumby, but ever since her parents died two years ago hardly anything was kept clean. "Candy!" She yelled again grabbing a banana out the food pantry and checking the fridge to discover it was basically empty. Of course Her older sister didnt bother to go food shopping or clean the sink full of dishes.

"Candice!" Egypt called out once more walking through the two bedroom apartment. She came to a halt at her parents old bedroom that her sister now occupied. It was no surprise to find twenty seven year old Candice passed out on the bed most likely strung out on some new shit. In fact Egypt didnt even bother to panic, she simply went into the bathroom, flipped the cold water on in the shower and came back to grab the still sleeping Candice.

"Yo. Come on wake up man." Egypt sighed lightly slapping her sisters face once she had her in the tub still clothed. "I know your ass aint been like this all day." She lectured.

Finally coming to, Candice began to harshly cough and panic. "You bitch!" She shrieked. "My hair! what the fuck. I should fuck you up!"

"Man Whatever. Aint nobody tell your dumb ass to be passing out like that. So chill with all of that." Egypt shrugged tying up her now semi wet hair and pulling off the wet T-shirt. "Didnt you have work today?" She qurstioned going into her room leaving her sister in the tub.

"Na i called out." Was the only thing Candice said making Egypt roll her eyes harshly. It seemed like the wrong sister cared if she got fired or not.

"Candy weren't you suppose to pick up your check today?" She asked flipping through the mail on her desk. Past due, past due, final notice they all read making her sigh heavily. "We need food, the rents due and so is the cable." She recited dropping the envelopes down.

"Ma nigga i have my stamps. You need not to be worried about my check. I ain't the only one who works around here." Candy scowled referring to Egypt's part time job. You really couldn't call it that but it was something she was thankful for. Egypt source of money was baby sitting for people in her neighborhood, but even with that she was lucky if she brought 125 dollars home every two weeks. She rarely spent her money on things a normal seventeen year old would. After a 60 dollar cell phone bill every month and daily lunch money, cash for laundry, Egypt was lucky if she could get her hair done in the end. Now with senior year here and 200$ worth of senior dues, college app fees and prom dress money in need money was tighter than ever.

Speaking of work, it almost slipped her mind that she told a neighbor Robin she'd pick up her bad ass daughter Kyla and wait for her dad to get here for fifty dollars. Quickly tossing on another tank, Egypt slipped on her jacket and snatched the EBT card out Candy's hand on her way out the door. She knew she'd be up all night studying for tomorrows history exam since once again she was left to cook and clean. Jetting down the stairs and out the building, Egypt made her way to PS. 284.

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