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The Following Morning..

Egypt was woken up by the construction going on right outside her bedroom window. And to make matters worst she had one of the worst hang overs ever. "Shit!" She groaned while shielding her eyes from the blazing sun light. Once she gained composure of her vision she glanced at the clock and saw that she had slept for most of the afternoon. That's the last time I party that hard. She promised herself.

After laying in bed for a few more minutes she quickly realized that she was still in last nights clothing and immediately wanted a shower. Forcing herself up, Egypt fought against her aching head and began removing her clothes. It wasn't until after she came out of her shorts that she remembered the cash that was tucked away in there. Slipping her towel around herself Egpyt sat down and counted out every bill.

"Fifteen Hundred..." She mumbled to herself dropping the last hundred. Staring at the pile of cash in Awe, Egypt could not believe it was real. With the five hundred Travis gave her the other day she had made a total of two thousand dollars within a few hours. This cannot be real. She thought. Oh but it was. Just as she began to feel happy that her troubles were momentarily over Egpyt quickly remembered how she earned this cash and felt sick.

"He really baited me.." She sighed in disbelief. She should have known better than to trust Travis. Growing up around here people were known to make money in worst ways but knowing that she had been apart of a plan to set an innocent person up wasn't sitting right with Egypt. She couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen next. Could someone end up coming after her? Did that guy think she intentionally set him up? What if he finds her? Shit what if Travis went as far as to killing him?

So many thoughts rambled on in her head but Egypt knew what done was done. Right now she had to foccuss on her problems. Taking the money and putting it in her purse, She headed on to take a shower before she headed out. Noticing that both Tiffany and Chanel were out cold on Candy's old bed, she eased into the bathroom as discrete as possible.

As soon as the steam water hit her body Egpyt was in heaven. She could stay in there all day if you let her but wanted to head out and handle business before Chanel took her to her job. Shutting off the water less than fifteen minutes later Egypt popped two advils and was dressed and out the door.

Her first stop was the local check cash spot a few blocks down from her building. "Good morning. How may I help you today?" The clerk greeted when she approached the window.

"Hey." Egpyt smiled back reaching into her purse. "I just wanna pay this months rent and half of the following month." She stated counting out six hundred dollars. After filling out the rent form, Egypt patiently waited for her payment to be processed.

"Thanks for coming. Enjoy your day." The clerk smiled handing Egypt the receipt. "Hey. wait." She called out before E could walk away. "I know its none of my business, but its not really smart to walk around with that kind of cash on you honey." The woman advised.

Egypt knew she had a point and simply thanked her for the advise. As soon as she stepped foot outside she spotted a Chase bank and decided to get herself an account.

"Hello welcome to chase bank. What can I do for you?" The man asked as Egypt signed her name and prepared to wait.

"I'd like to open up a bank account."

"Okay no problem. If you'd follow me this way." He directed until they were in a seperate office booth. "Did you have in mind what type of account youd wish to open?"

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