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Thursday afternoon

Makel woke up to the smell of breakfast being made and stirred around in his sleep. Wipping the sleep from his eyes, he forced him self up and made his way into the bathroom to piss and wash up. It was well after noon and all he wanted to do was sleep since he had been up for almost two days straight. Adding his new job and looking after Egypt to his normal load of bullshit and trying to keep up with his music, he was worn out after only a few days.

"Nana you up?" He asked as he came into his grandmothers room. He expected it to be her in the kitchen like any other morning but found his grandmother in bed wrapped in her covers. "Whats wrong, you good?" He asked gently sitting himself on the edge beside her.

"Im fine baby." She assured with a weak smile. "Just a little under the weather thats all." She informed reaching for her cup but Makel stopped her and gave it to her instead. "Thank you."

"you eaten anything yet? That could be why." He asked propping her pillows up and making sure her covers were tucked right.

"Im fine Makel." She repeated waving him off. "Something sure does smell good though, you got one of your little friends in my kitchen boy?"

"Its just E, Nana calm down." He chuckled. "Candy done got into a lil something so i made her stay here for a few days." Makel knew how his grandmother was about females in her house but lord knows she sure didn't mind Egypt at all. When growing up Makel's grandmother was always fond of Egypt and her parents and was heart broken by their death. But to this day her and Egypt always maintained a good relationship.

"Good, i haven't seen my girl in ages." She smiled widely. "But like i always say I'm too young to be a grandmother." She joked in reference to them sharing a room causing them both to laugh bringing back memories. Her all time favorite is when she had discovered them in the bath tub together when they were about eight years old. In fact she even had a few pictures stashed away somewhere.

"And like i always say, its not even like that. Let that go." He denied but of course his grandmother wasn't phased. "Let me get your meds and some food so you can worry about something else other than E, and these imaginary grand babies." He chuckled handing her the television remote.

"Grand babies? Who?" ?Egypt asked with a smile walking into the bedroom with a small tray of food. "Hey Mama Royce how you feeling?"

"Im doing great now that my favorite girl is here, come on over here." Mrs. Royce encouraged making room for Egypt who sat the food on the bed instead. "Thank you baby, you didn't have to."

"Yes i did." Egypt assured. "Its the least i could do, and beside we know we don't want this one behind a stove." She teased at Makel who just gave a brief smile and continued to watch the two of them interact and shift his attention to the t.v from time to time.

"I probably wont even be able to finish all of this hunny." She admitted as she looked down at the big meal. "Makel you want any?"

"Na I'm straight."

Although they had been around one another the two still haven't spoken much since Makel had blew up that night. Egypt tried not to take it personally since she had always known him to be stubborn, especially when he felt he was right about something. Though he didn't always show it with her, Makel was the king of holding grudges.

"Good morning to you too nigga." She greeted entering his room a little later with an additional tray of food and drinks.

"Its afternoon." He corrected with a simple head nod and taking his attention off his music pad for a moment making Egypt roll her eyes. Childish ass nigga i swear.

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