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Makel walked into Candi's room ready to knock but found the door slightly open already. He been calling Egypt since he was on his way to visit mama royce but figured she had already went to school. What he didn't expect was to find his bestfriend curled up on the couch near the window beside Candi's bed. He couldn't help but laugh at how uncomfortable she looked on the small area. He even went as far as snapping a picture too. "For the next time she wants to talk her shit."

He quickly glanced at Candi who still hadn't woken up before making his way to the sofa. It had been five days and still nothing. He didn't like Candice but for Egypt's sake he hoped today she did something other than move her hands. Makel grabbed the text book off of Egypts lap causing her to stir in her sleep and the papers to fall onto the floor. He squatted down and noticed that they were test exams.

A frown formed on Kel's face when he read the scores and remarks. There had to be at least one exam from each class and most of them had failing grades on them. The last time Egypt had failed a test was.. Well thats just it he doesn't think she ever failed a damn exam. If he knew that she was doing this bad in school he wouldn't have been so lenient with her missing so much class lately. Looking down at his watch he realized it was only a quarter to ten, she could still make it to her third period if he drove her right now.

"Yo wake up." He said in a hushed tone and nudged her knee.

Egypt squirmed on final time before her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes immediately shifted to her sister seeing she was still sadly asleep. "Good Morning" she smiled big at Makel. It disappeared when she didn't see him return the gesture and noticed her school work in his hands. "What are you doing with my stuff?"

"Did you sleep here last night?" He questioned ignoring her. "Im surprised they didn't send you home."

"I um. I sorta bribed the nurse." She groaned rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "And gave her my number." Egypt shrugged mumbling the last part making him slightly laugh.

"Whats up with all of this?" Makel questioned holding up the exams.

"Its nothing." She sighed pulling her hair from her face. There was still glitter in it from last night at the club and she knew she'd have to wash it later.

"It sure don't look like nothing mane. E whats going on with you? You always look half dead. You not going to class. And you failing now. Speak up yo." Makel demanded. He allowed her to take the school work from his hands and watched her stuff it into her bag.

"Kel its nothing i cant handle. Its just work is so tiring and now dealing with Candi and trying to help the cops find Dwayne and then i wanna be here for mama too and--"

"Stop making excuses and talk to me. You hiding something. Ever since you started hanging with Chanell and Ol dude from school you been moving funny. You ain't the only one with a job. How hard can it be. And now you fucking up in school?"

Before Egypt could think of another lie to tell someone coughed. But it wasn't neither of them. She jumped up from her seat and rushed to Candice side, practically shoving Makel out the way. "Candi!"

"Where am i?" She coughed once more barely opening her eyes. "Mommy?" Candi called out in pain.

"No. Candi." Egypt gulped. "Its me E. Look at me." She encouraged grabbing her hand that tried to remove the oxygen mask from her nose.

"Egypt?" Candice asked once more with her eyes fully open. "What are we doing at the hospital?" She asked while straining. "Damn my head hurts."

"You were attacked." Egypt informed now sitting on the bed beside her. "Do you remember anything. The neurologist said that short term memory could have been affected by the surgery."

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